I like this one a lot. The basic premise is to dump your Death's Shadow or Hunted Horror into the yard with Fauna Shaman, Lotleth Troll, or (god forbid) Inquisition.
Then you tutor up Valroz with your Fauna Shaman and miser's Merfolk Looter (for when you're flooded), then scavenge one of your obscenely big critters onto Invisible Stalker, Silhana Ledgewalker, or even a Birds of Paradise (warning: don't do that.)
Duress searches for wraths and Inquisitions search for Lilliana, since those are basically all that shut you down once you get going.
SB right now is little more than speculation, but I'm assuming most of it will be needed. Needles are self-explanatory and Shamans are just sweet all-around. The rest is removal and additional black discard for those pesky combo decks and wrath effects. I like the spellbomb over the Crypt because it's not too hard to float a mana with Deathrite and draw some cards while making your opponent hate you.
It says budget on the side for a reason. In reality, Thoughtseize would be sweet, Confidant obviously outclasses looter, and I wouldn't mind playing Lilliana and some fetches. I just hope I've found an optimal build for the price.