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Big Weaklings [Budget Azorius Jank]

Pioneer Budget Jank Unblockable WU (Azorius)



Instant (5)

Planeswalker (1)

Swing big with weak creatures! This deck makes use of an interesting combination I saw with Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive and High Alert - with both out, high-toughness creatures swing for loads of damage, and are unblockable if their printed power is 1 or less, since High Alert doesn't change it. This, coupled with the fact that low-power, high-toughness creatures are generally super cheap, you have a super budget deck, with most every card being under $0.50.

Can regularly win on turn 4, consistently wins on turn 5:

If you wanted to upgrade this deck, the below cards are recommended (will add as I find them):

  • Access Tunnel: Plays the role of Tetsuko Umezawa in a pinch.

  • Aegis Turtle: The quintessential staple creature of the deck - play as soon as you have one in hand, essentially.

  • Charix, the Raging Isle: Is basically immune to damage, and if it manages to swing through unblockably, that’s almost always a done deal. Use with Huatli, the Sun's Heart in almost every situation you can. Don’t forget, too, its ability, which can eke out some damage when nothing else can.

  • Dive Down: Can tip damage into lethal territory (don’t forget, cast before moving to damage!), but is first and foremost protection - don’t be afraid to use it to save a creature.

  • Dusk / Dawn: Has saved my bacon countless times. If a game is dragging, or they’re creatureless, feel free to cast on an empty board - that flip side might be what you need in the moment.

  • Fae of Wishes: Play as a creature first and foremost - a great blocker, and reasonable attacker. You’ll not often have the cards in hand, though, to activate its ability - weigh up whether you’ll desperately need one of the sideboard cards early on, before casting.

  • Faithful Mending: Replaces one Opt with a slightly more flexible option.

  • God-Pharaoh's Faithful: Is a neat one-drop, and some extra lifegain. Not essential, but always nice to see.

  • High Alert: Does a lot - play this over Huatli, the Sun's Heart if you’re on the offence, as they’ll be scrambling to remove it, and likely can’t. People often forget its ability - wait til the last second to use it.

  • Huatli, the Sun's Heart: Play over High Alert when you’re on defence. People often get distracted trying to kill her, and if you’re savvy with using her ability, you can meter out their attacks nicely to buy you some time. Don’t be afraid to use her ability, even if it’s only 5 lifegain - do so less liberally if you have no others in hand.

  • Opt: Neat card draw, get to your toughness = damage cards above most all else.

  • Refuse to Yield: Makes for huge damage - make sure if you’ve a Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive to cast this before moving to the damage step, however, as casting before blocks means its power will be above 1, meaning they can block it. Also combine this with Huatli, the Sun's Heart, for large lifegain. Great for chump-blocking and trades, too, in less-frequent circumstances.

  • Surge Mare: Decent looting, and a somewhat large body. Don’t forget its other abilities, as they’re very often life-saving, or enable a preferable trade.

  • The Reality Chip: Is an amazingly versatile card - not something that you want many of, but quite happily replaces an Opt, and gives some amazing late-game "draw".

  • Temple of Enlightenment: Again, find your toughness = damage cards first, unless the situation demands otherwise.

  • Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive: Is as good as a continuous, one-sided board wipe in many cases. Just ignore their creatures entirely, and without removal there’s nothing they can do.

- Heavy Control: Creatureless decks put you on a back foot, as you’re geared to combatting a weakness you now can’t exploit. You’ve a big advantage, however, in that they're often reluctant to waste removal on the seemingly weak creatures you have, until they’re smashing face and it’s too late. High Alert is the absolute priority to play - bait out counters with absolutely anything else.

  • Deathtouch (Most often Rogues): Will be a big problem. Essentially a race from the get-go. Trade off your lowest-cost creatures for their most synergistic, when you can. Smash face.

  • Elves: Are just too quick, at least in Historic. You’ll most often lose to this matchup. You have to hope for a strong early board, then a Dusk / Dawn as soon as possible, and leap into the empty board state. Churn through Huatli, the Sun's Hearts as fast as possible.

  • White Lifegain: Are the most grindy games. Get a solid early presence, block when you can, and get a Dusk / Dawn ASAP. Hold onto it until they’ve committed to their board state - a few chump blocks in this time is not an awful idea, if it baits out their stronger cards.

Feedback and recommendations appreciated! As of 23/11/2021, this deck has taken me all the way to Mythic!


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94% Competitive

Revision 29 See all

(2 years ago)

+1 Mirror Shield side
-1 Slaughter the Strong side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #6 position overall 5 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Pioneer 5 years ago
Date added 5 years
Last updated 2 years
Exclude colors BRG

This deck is Pioneer legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 5 Rares

21 - 8 Uncommons

10 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.46
Tokens On an Adventure, Wall 0/3 W
Folders Other People's, ideas, Pioneer, Hey, look at these, Pioneer Decks, WOW!!!, Others decks, budget, Pioneer, Fun Deck To Try
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