Black White Smallpox. Resource Denial and uneven sacrifice.
For players that are interested in Deadguy Ale strategies while being just a little more spiteful I highly recommend trying this deck out. The name of the game is resource denial, and using discard and removal to neatly claim victory.
Quickly I'll go through the deck:
Dark Confidant and Asylum Visitor both regain us the cards we'll be losing, and Visitor's Madness is easily triggered with Smallpox or Liliana. Pack Rat is a great top deck or lightning rod for removal, threatens a three turn victory if your opponent can't stop it.
InstantsAll removal for different situations. With Smallpox and Liliana we already have a ton of removal, so save the paths and Anguished Unmaking as long as you can. Darkblast wrecks affinity and infect, and slaughter pact is a great surprise.
SorceriesThe discard is fairly straight forward and lets us start oppression on the first turn. Lingering Souls is an amazing spell that should speak for itself. Timely Reinforcements is fantastic in a deck that hurts itself and is low on creatures, you should try to play it as close as you can to parity. Declaration in Stone is for tokens or other cards that need to be exiled such as Bloodghast.
EnchantmentsMyth Realized is often easily a 6/6 attacker and hard to remove. Descent into Madness comes in late but pushes our opponent to split their attention between permanents and cards in hand; whichever they favour we can attack with discard or removal, or both with Smallpox. It also can remove itself should we be unable to keep up the cost.
PlaneswalkersLiliana for all intents and purposes is a slower, constant smallpox. Sorin cleans up after getting an opponent hellbent, powers through a Myth Realized or Rats, or clinches a win on the back of Abyssal Persecutor. Elspeth stalls the board or helps you become more aggressive in a pinch.
LandsFlagstones asks to be sacrificed; Urborg and Fetid Heath enable a turn two combo; Shambling Vent and Vault regain our life; and Westvale Abbey gains us creatures and a finisher.
There are a lot of different choice that could be made depending on your own personal brew but the main core would be Inquisition, Thoughtseize, Smallpox, Liliana, Lingering Souls, Flagstones of Trokair.
I'd love to hear what people think of the deck and I can answer any questions that might come up!