

Creature (1)

this is a Black white warriors deck im attempting at the moment if you have any suggestions thatd be awsome, especially for the spells.

You need a turn one play in this deck so making sure you can drop your woe reaper, champion, or tormented hero turn one is a must

turn 2 you have seeker of the way and battle brawler as your main drops, battle brawler is usually a better choice out of the two, especially if you dropped woe reaper turn 1, but if you see your hand is a little more spell happy then creature the seeker is probably the better choice

turn 3 your going to want to start removing their threats valarous stance and harsh sustenance are going to get rid of anything blocking your path

if they dont have any threats to remove turn 3 or you dont have anything to remove them with, your strike leader or spear of heliod are great to drop as the strike leader is going to create a hazard for your opponent if not dealt with fast, if you can attack with it a 2nd time your opponent is going to be in a bad spot most of the time.

turn 4 is your turn to hit for the most damage you want, if possible to drop the hordechief or rush to battle on this turn as this turn is when most of the midrange decks are going to start coming online and you want to hit for the most damage possible on this turn, then do the finishing touches turn 5.

The Merciless Exectutioner are to be sideboarded in in place of either the hordecheifs or the strike leaders depending on what suits your fancy. against Blue/White Heroic, which is about 75% of my local meta, as they love pumping up one creature and sacing the rest as blockers so it acts as a 3 to cast sack a chump remove their main target

if your board state has stalled out around turn 4-6 then your harsh susteneance should be able to get in a little extra damage, and if you have your hordechief on the field, attacking even without hitting the opponent is still dealing a point of damage which is usually the last little push the deck needs.


return to the ranks acts as great swap out for rush to battle against decks running sweepers, as does murderous cut in place of the harsh sustenance in these cases as well as it acts as better removal

the extra strike leaders are to replace the hordecheifs in aggro match ups.

and the 4 despise is hand hate in replacement for whatever you want for decks like combo or planeswalker heavy decks as they can be the hardest to deal with

the 3 erase replaces harsh sustenance against constelation and decks that run a lot of coursers or whip decks.


the only real upgrade i can see as a possibility for the deck would be to replace the 2 spear of heliod with 2 sorin solem visitor. Also if you wanted to you could replace the two hordechief with 2 athreos, god of passage, but i prefer to run the hordecheifs, but if your local meta is faster, athreos bolts an opponent whenever something dies, giving bloodsoaked champion even more value. if you do go the athreos route id put the 2 return to the ranks in the mainboard in place of the 2 spear of heliod.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

10 - 5 Rares

22 - 7 Uncommons

8 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.00
Tokens Warrior 2/1 B
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