As of writing this, the Modern meta at my local store consists heavily of decks revolving around Blood Moon - mostly because it shuts down Tron. Which brought me to a new card that I enjoy, Peak Erruption - 3 mana to blow up their mountains and bolt them? Sounds good to me!
The next step was finding a way to recur this effect. So I turned to a casual staple of mine, Blistercoil Weird
Dual Casting
. Cast your spell, tap to copy, Blistercoil trigger untaps off the original, and you either swing in for damage, or you copy it a third time!
The rest of the deck was kinda formed around that, and ways of accelerating mana and card draw to pump out land destruction spells. The most recent addition was Young Pyromancer, who proved to be an invaluable resource for dealing with aggro decks, and solidifying consistent turn 4 wins.
I tried it without the Scalding Tarns, but I found that the deck draws into too many lands once you start to go off with multiple copies of Manamorphose and Gitaxian Probe on the stack. You can get away with Terramorphic Expanse or Evolving Wilds, but it slows it down to a turn 5 - 6 deck in a format that tends to be quite fast. As it is now however, you can safely mulligan to a one land hand if you've got a Blistercoil Weird, or a two land hand if you've got Faithless Lootings and Dual Casting.
Reforge the Soul and [[Past In Flames] were both four-of in the original build, but were replaced with Desperate Rituals and Arcane Rituals to great success. I miss the card draw, but I don't miss paying 5 mana to hard cast it.
One card that I really wanted to play with but never put into it was Roiling Terrain. It fits the power of the deck, but I could only see running it as a mid/late game win con, and I can't figure out what to remove for it.
As with any combo deck, this one is fragile. A surgically extracted Blistercoil Weird almost completely shuts down the deck. The only other card that works in with Dual Casting to that effect is Cinder Pyromancer.