A casual Shadows over Innistrad block deck built around the Curious Homunculus
with an emphasis on locking down the opponent's board and swinging with Prowess creatures.
The lake is our only option for a dual land in the deck, and we want the slightly higher island count due to our cost split. There are two less lands listed here than in the actual decklist, as this configuration is currently being tested and working out well.
Effectively a 3/4 Prowess creature in our deck.
Swap this out in multiplayer; provides either a free draw or damage and graveyard stocking each of our upkeeps.
Basically functions as removal with all the non creature spells in this deck; hits decently hard in the air.
Benefits from our graveyard like the Homunculus and provides card draw.
Non-creature Spells
An alternate win condition and unfortunate Prodder flip for our opponent.
Draws cards AND likes being in our graveyard.
Removal with an exile attached.
Scaling removal, hitting for up to 5 for a single red mana.
Can be used to dodge removal, drop a counter and tap a permanent with a Niblis of Frost, or draw 3 cards with a Bedlam Reveler
Allows us to dig down up to 5 cards and set up our draws.
Disrupts our opponent's tempo and can serve as a poor version of Flux if necessary.
Side Board
Scaling removal for indestructible creatures and a potential finisher.
Mostly for aggro matchups; excellent against x/1 creatures and weak tokens.
Also for aggro matchups, this can eat up to x/3 creatures without first strike in conjunction with Dual Shot.
For when we are in a matchup that requires a counterspell.
Our creatures are low drops and this is useful against decks making large numbers of tokens.
General Strategy
We are going for long term value here rather than rushing in early and beating them down, though we do have that option with an early enough Homunculus. Instead we are generally looking to stall out their board with things like Incendiary Flow and Galvanic Bombardment on their creatures while we get our creatures on board and whittle them down with our Prowess triggers and Prodder flips. We also have the option of siding in Engulf and bouncing their board when they go for a big swing and replaying our creatures during our next turn, which will probably put us ahead, especially if manage to bait out combat tricks or they were relying on auras before doing so.
Notable combos include:
-Contingency Plan+Sin Prodder : Set Rise from the Tides or Bedlam Reveler as the top card for 6 ~ 8 free damage or two cards on the next draw step.
-Essence Flux+Bedlam Reveler : Draw another three cards for 1 mana
-Voracious Reader+Niblis of Frost : Niblis adds pseudo removal to every non-creature spell we cast; Reader lets us cast more spells per turn; both creatures have Prowess.
-Engulf the Shore+Rise from the Tides : Casting Engulf on their turn allows us to play Rise the next turn without worrying about its tapped zombies downside, massively swinging offensive advantage to our side.
- Help / General suggestions -
Any ideas you have I am open for, just remember I want to keep the deck in block. I'm especially interested in number tweaking for what I have in the deck, since I have no real idea of what a good balanced deck like this should look like.