When the 3 most different guilds come together to eliminate a single enemy... Only in hell would every enemy in the world focus on destroying you.
Power, Aggression, and Rage descend upon your face.
Bloodline Keeper

This guy, like only a few other cards, can generate his own army and win the game for you. You cast it once, and he is more than just a body on the field. He can produce chump blockers, he can produce flying attackers, he can produce fodder for any sac mechanic, like
Falkenrath Aristocrat
or Alter's Reap. I find he is better in control-y decks because by himself, he isn't very fast. He does fit well in the tribal vampire aggro deck, but that's only because you should already have a small army of vampires to transform him when you play him. However... in this kind of deck, i feel, is where he excels. I can use my mana to control the game while, all by himself with no other maintenance, He can produce my means of doing the 20 damage to win the game.
Boros Reckoner

The most potent creature in standard right now. Boros Reckoner is easy to cast, he is a strong body for only 3 mana, he basically has first strike when you want it, and forces an enemy to think about swinging into him. Whenever he takes damage, he can deal that much damage to any creature or player/planeswalker. There are many combos to use with this guy, infinite life gain, massive damage from spells that only target creatures, and the perfect counter to Thragtusk. He is in this deck because of the many ways you can use his abilities. The one i will be using him the most for is creature control. They got little guys? I block and trade, then snipe another one. 2-for-1 spells are always good.
Falkenrath Aristocrat

Still on the fence about this mythic. Being a 4/1 flier with haste is a powerful threat. Most aggro decks use her as a finisher, and for good reason. Her ability allows her to become indestructible for a turn by sacrificing a creature. So when you see a Supreme Verdict come into play, you can at least save her. People are only now making decks where you sacrifice a human to put a +1+1 counter on her. While it is not her most potent ability, it can be a pleasurable bonus. She is in this deck because she is a vampire, and giving her double strike would be good, after i steal a creature with
Olivia Voldaren
, i can do with it what i want. However, i threw her in this deck, because at a time i was running Zealous Conscripts, and that combo is hilariously devastating.
Obzedat, Ghost Council

The perfect mythic. In my opinion, Obzedat, Ghost Council is one of the best creatures in this format to have on the field. Or off. When used correctly, he is immune to all sorcery speed spells that your opponents use. No board wipes will stop this guy. He avoids the common kill spells like
Ultimate Price
Searing Spear
, He enables a life swing of 4 whenever he comes into play, which is a very good time table once you've stabilized. With the power and the amount of dodge this guy has, If you're running black and white, you better find room in your deck for him. He is in this deck as an answer to most control decks, and being a 5/5 that gains me life every turn, if i dull the assault of an aggro deck, he will keep me stabilized for the rest of the game while i pick off my enemies one by one.
Olivia Voldaren

Another good card to avoid removal. But not as good as ghost dad.
Ultimate Price
and Victim of Night are the two most dominate spells in the meta used to kill creatures. She is immune to both, and is not easily dealt with. In combination with
Bloodline Keeper
, she can turn all my non-vampire creatures into vampires to enable my entire team to be buffed during transformation. That, and her ability to simply kill off other things / or steal them, makes her one of those cards that can win you the game by herself. She is a bruiser, she is a killer, she is controlling. Everything you need to win a game of magic.
Silverblade Paladin

As a last minute entry, i'm still wondering if he is perfect for my deck or not. Giving double strike to any of my creatures in this deck is very very powerful. On Vampire Nighthawk? Yes please. on
Falkenrath Aristocrat
? Yes please. On Obzedat, Ghost Council? Dear god thank you. He is a surprise card you can drop late to get that sneaky win. Another thing, being human... he makes
Falkenrath Aristocrat
Vampire Nighthawk

The most widely used and appreciated vampire in standard. Good in any deck he is listed in, this shaman has everything you need to be a creature to watch out for. Flying... get over their heads, and counter their own fliers. Lifelink, create a large gap between life totals, prevent the large hit, and gain life instead, deathtough... destroy anything it touches. The best creature abilities packed into one evil creature. When Aurelia, the Warleader is facing a Vampire Nighthawk one on one... she is afraid.