I've been using
to buy back my
Ghor-Clan Rampager
in my Jund Infect deck and I couldn't be happier with results. This is an aggro build for standard, only swapping
for Ghoulcaller's Chant. With all the graveyard hate in sideboards these days, I'm just wondering how viable it is at a local FNM.
The plan is to start off with low-cost deathtouch creatures, then pack them with Rancor and/or bloodrush them with
Ghor-Clan Rampager
. Then you can use Ghoulcaller's Chant to bring back
Ghor-Clan Rampager
Wasteland Viper
Golgari Charm regenerates my guys and kills anti-graveyard enchantments.
Scavenging Ooze is for later in the game when they're sure to have plenty of creatures in their graveyard to gain life and add counters.
Vraska the Unseen is for late game removal.
Desecration Demon puts on the pressure and can potentially get enemy creatures sac'd to feed Scavenging Ooze.
In case Rancor isn't reprinted in M14, I'll probably replace it with Treasured Find to bring back things from the graveyard more consistently. Rotation is also the main reason I didn't include Vampire Nighthawk.
The sideboard is basically just more removal. The bloody end of
Flesh / Blood
can kill their dudes while keeping my deathtouch guys unharmed, but it REALLY shines when used in conjunction with Desecration Demon. Six to the face, WHAT!? Plus, you can always use the fleshy end to buff your dudes with counters late game.
My sideboard is super janky at the moment and any advice is greatly appreciated. I mainly have
Glaring Spotlight
and Master of Cruelties in there to bring against slower decks and I just love their interaction. And if I decide to substitute Rancor in favor of Treasure find , I can always bring back the
Glaring Spotlight
that you saced. I also like using the Dangerous end of
Armed / Dangerous
targeting a deathtouch creature against more creature heavy decks like goblins/tokens/white weenie.
Anyone else using the Bloodrush/
interaction in a deck? I'd love some ideas. I'm really like this concept to work in a competitive environment.