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Boonweaver/Landfall Karador

Commander / EDH*


Piloting Boonweaver Karador is an exercise in Ecology. I like to visualize the deck as a vibrant ecosystem, where every available niche is filled. The interactions in the deck feel like symbiosis. This is the mindset you should approach while piloting. The question you should be asking is "How can I maximize card interaction?". Or, you know, you could just rip the combo off the top.

Karmic Guide + Reveillark: These two cards are the deck. The entirety of the combo centers around getting these two cards into play with a sac outlet.

There are three ways to do this:

1) Play Boonweaver Giant and attach Pattern of Rebirth, sac Boonweaver Giant, find Karmic Guide, reanimate Boonweaver Giant, sac Boonweaver Giant, get Saffi Eriksdotter, sac Karmic Guide hold priority activate Saffi Eriksdotter, reanimate Boonweaver Giant, sac Boonweaver Giant, get Reveillark, sac Karmic Guide, sac Reveillark, Reveillark trigger brings back Saffi Eriksdotter and Karmic Guide, repeat Saffi Eriksdotter and Karmic Guide interaction to bring back Reveillark and Boonweaver Giant. You can now repeat this process any number of times to take every creature out of your deck, usually just Blood Artist, and thus win the game via infinite sacing.

2) Play Academy Rector with another unimportant creature in play, sac Academy Rector, get Pattern of Rebirth and attach to unimportant creature, sac unimportant creature to get Boonweaver Giant, start the above method.

3) Play Protean Hulk, have Protean Hulk die somehow, find Karmic Guide and Viscera Seer/Carrion Feeder, reanimate Protean Hulk, sac Protean Hulk, find
Saffi Eriksdotter + Blood Artist + another two drop, sac Karmic Guide hold priority activate Saffi Eriksdotter, Karmic Guide trigger brings back Protean Hulk, sac Protean Hulk find Reveillark, infinitely sac Reveillark and Karmic Guide, win the game.

There is also another combo the deck runs just in case something goes wrong with the Karmic Guide/Reveillark.

Archangel of Thune + Spike Feeder: Gain infinite life and all your creatures, except Spike Feeder gain infinite +1/+1 counters. Usually does the trick.

However, a good combo can't win on its own. What are you to do for the many turns you have to patiently wait for the right time to go for it? Well, a ecosystem isn't only dependent on the organism within it. The land on which the ecosystem rest usually plays a very big role in how successfully an ecosystem supports life, why should it be any different here?

Life from the Loam allows us two recur multi use utility lands such as Barren Moor, Tranquil Thicket, Horizon Canopy, and Strip Mine. We can also recur any of the fetch lands we run to keep hitting land drops. It also has the added benefit of dumping stuff in the graveyard for us to recur with Karador, Ghost Chieftain

Crop Rotation allows us to get single use utility lands such as Bojuka Bog and High Market. Note that I consider High Market single use as most of the time we are gonna be sacing Protean Hulk with it, which will usually end the game.

Exploration + Ramunap Excavator are the poor man's Fastbond and Crucible of Worlds. This interaction allows us to take advantage of Horizon Canopy and Strip Mine, drawing two extra cards or destroying two lands per turn. This interaction also allows us to ramp with any fetch land. If got out early, it basically ramps one every turn for free.

In this deck, ramp is primarily focused on speed- how fast you can accelerate out into you combo. The key combo creatures each cost 7 mana, so it's pretty important to be able to cast them early. The key issue with this strategy is that it is very vulnerable to board wipes, especially Cyclonic Rift. As a result, ramp tends to be quite fragile and should be protected. The land package attempts to counteract this weakness by making it easier to hit land drops, which has stemmed some of the bleeding.

Arbor Elf/Avacyn's Pilgrim/Birds of Paradise/Llanowar Elves: Obvious mana dork inclusion, very efficient, great interaction with Skullclamp in the late game.

Deathrite Shaman: It earns the name of mini, ramp with graveyard interaction as well as life gain or damage in a pinch.

Chrome Mox/Mana Crypt/Sol Ring/Mox Diamond: The classic artifact ramp package. Way too good not to include.

Bloom Tender: This creature is usually taping for BGW, especially after Karador, Ghost Chieftain hits the field.

Lotus Cobra: Compliments the land package pretty well. In combination with fetch lands, we can ramp crazy amounts very quickly. Perfect for powering out the combo or the other large threats the deck plays.

Wood Elves: This card truly shines in this deck. Sac it, recur with Karador, Ghost Chieftain to ramp again. It is also the best Skullclamp target in the deck.

Drawing cards is the biggest weakness of the deck by far. However, it doesn't really seem to effect the game that much, especially since you never run out of resources as your graveyard acts as your hand. The only time it feels bad is when you have your graveyard exiled, but that feels bad regardless.

Tireless Tracker: Works well with the land package, allows for a pretty nice card draw engine we can cash in at anytime.

Sylvan Library: Insanely broken, excellent synergy with Life from the Loam allowing you to replace draws with dredges and not take damage.

Skullclamp: Synergizes very well with most every creature in the deck as almost all of them have only one toughness. This card also gets out of hand with recursion effects, for example Dryad Arbor + Ramunap Excavator + Skullclamp allows you to draw two cards per turn. Another great recursion effect for this is Meren of Clan Nel Toth and basically any one toughness creature, except this doesn't cost you a land drop.

Sensei's Divining Top: This card is also very good, great with fetch lands and shuffle effects.

Each organism must adapt to it's surroundings in order to survive. Hatebears are the manifestation of survival adaptation, as their unique abilities help make up for their lack of board presence and forward utility. They occupy a critical niche in the deck, offering protection from possible threats to our ecosystem.

Aven Mindcensor: Shuts down searching opponents trying to ramp or find an answer to our threats.

Dragonlord Dromoka/Grand Abolisher: Protects our combo on the critical turns

Linvala, Keeper of Silence: Stops general foolishness surrounding activated abilities of our opponents' creatures. Critically, it shuts off Scavenging Ooze.

Gaddock Teeg: Stops our opponents from casting broken spells and more importantly, board wipes

Iona, Shield of Emeria: This card just shuts down certain opponents, and as such is usually a target for reanimation. More often than not I will name blue with her ability.

Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite: This card also shuts down certain opponents, and is also a target for reanimation. It also has the added benefit of pumping up our creatures.

The goal of this deck is not to directly interrupt opponents, rather it is to sit back on hatebears to bide time to assemble to combo. As such, removal functions as a way to get ride of problem permanents that either win your opponents the game or stop you from winning. Removal should be used sparingly as there isn't that much of it in the deck. The one caveat to this rule is board wipes. Never be afraid to wipe the board, especially since it is so much easier for you to recover than your opponents. An early board wipe can devastate some strategies so don't be afraid to lose a few mana dorks.

Reclamation Sage/Nature's Claim: These are key to get ride of problem enchantments and artifacts, for example Leyline of the Void or Grafdigger's Cage.

Aura Shards: Shuts down artifact based decks while taking care of problem enchantments and artifacts.

Shriekmaw: The critical answer to Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite. It also can be evoked from the graveyard when Karador, Ghost Chieftain is in play.

Swords to Plowshares: Commander staple, gets ride of problem creatures.

Damnation/Toxic Deluge: Mandatory board wipes for when things get out of hand. Recovering in this deck isn't that hard, especially because the graveyard is just an extension of your hand.

Tutors are a key part of the toolbox-like strategy the deck often finds itself forced into. They serve as a means to answer key threats to the combo, but also, obviously, find the combo itself. I used to run many more tutors than I currently do, but I found that the deck was actually a lot less resilient when I employed this strategy.

Demonic Tutor: Commander staple.

Razaketh, the Foulblooded: This card is actually busted. So efficient, allows us to amass the perfect hand almost every time.

Recruiter of the Guard: Allows us to fetch many key creatures in the deck, specifically hatebears.

Green Sun's Zenith: Great creature tutor, usually cast on zero to find Dryad Arbor.

Chord of Calling: A lot of our interaction is in the form of creatures with enter the battlefield abilities. This card allows us to tutor for those cards and use those abilities at instant speed.

Survival of the Fittest: Another broken card, allows us to tutor as well as dumping creatures in the yard that we want to reanimate.

The graveyard should be used as fertilizer to accelerate board development until you set up the perfect garden of creatures and the combo fruit of the deck is ripe.

Loyal Retainers: Allows us to reanimate legendary creatures, which happen to be most of our potent non-combo threats. The best target for this creature is either Meren of Clan Nel Toth with 3 counters already or Sheoldred, Whispering One as it allows us to keep using Loyal Retainers.

Meren of Clan Nel Toth: This card is very useful for creating value engines. Constantly recurring specific creatures like Wood Elves or recurring random one toughness creatures to kill with Skullclamp.

Sheoldred, Whispering One: Great creature, allows us to recur as we would with Meren of Clan Nel Toth as well as forcing our opponents to sacrifice a creature.

Renegade Rallier: This card is an all star in the deck. Brings back value permanents like Sylvan Library or even just a random fetch land, either way it always feels good. It also combos with Saffi Eriksdotter for infinite sac triggers.

Sun Titan: Better Renegade Rallier, also goes infinite with Saffi Eriksdotter

Riftsweeper: This card is critical. It allows us to get back a combo piece from exile which is crucial if we are interrupted in our combo by a exile effect or if our graveyard is exiled.

Eternal Witness: Commander staple. The deck dumps a lot of cards in the graveyard and sometimes you need a specific one that was already milled. It comes in clutch to return cards like Living Death or another needed boardwipe that has been tossed in the bin.

Living Death/Hermit Druid: I run basics in the deck, but that doesn't mean that Hermit Druid isn't still an all star. First off, it just allows us to hit a land drop every turn, which is pretty damn good. But also, when we finally get Living Death in our hand, we can completely flip the game on it's head, bring back 11-15 creatures and probably win the game from there.

Animate Dead/Reanimate: Reanimation for when we don't want to pay the full cost or when Karador, Ghost Chieftain isn't out.


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100% Competitive

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #54 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

53 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.92
Tokens Clue, Experience Token
Ignored suggestions
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