Match 1 Vs. UB graveyard combo. Win 2-0
Game 1: I dropped a turn 2 Eidolon of the Great Revel and followed it up with pressure. Opponent managed to get their artifact into play, but died before they could drop their creature to finish the combo. Sideboarded out 4x Searing Blaze and brought in 4x Destructive Revelry. Game 2 I put double Monastery Swiftspear into play and followed it up with 1 drop burn spells for a quick win.
Game 2 Vs. Lantern Control. Loss 0-2
Game 1 I burned opponent down to 6 life but couldn't close before they got the soft lock with Lantern of Insight and Codex Shredder. They followed the soft lock with an Ensnaring Bridge and I scooped. Sideboarded out 4x Searing Blaze and brought in 4x Destructive Revelry. Game 2 I mulliganed down to 6 and kept a 1 land hand with lots of action. On the play I cast a Goblin Guide and swing. Turn 2 opponent looks at my hand and sees the Wooded Foothills that I just drew, and casts a Pithing Needle naming it, then my Goblin Guide gets fatal pushed the next turn. I use the last of my 1 drop burn spells but never find a second land to play my handful of Boros Charm
s. Opponent is also struggling to hit land drops, however he eventually finds some lands in the late game and starts to lock me out. We go to turn 12 with me never finding another land to cast my spells and I eventually scoop when he casts Whir of Invention for Witchbane Orb.
Match 3 Vs. UW Spirit Control. Win 2-0
Game 1 is short and too the point; I cast a Goblin Guide on turn 1, then follow it up with double Lava Spike on turn 2. Turn 3 I cast a Monastery Swiftspear and a Lightning Bolt to trigger prowess, swing with both creatures to get opponent down to 3 life and he scoops. I brought in 3x Destructive Revelry without having a clear idea of what his sideboard looks like. Game 2 was similar to the first game, except there was a bit of interaction with some Mausoleum Wanderers, and I also had my turn 1 Monastery Swiftspear countered by opponents 1 of Mana Tithe.
Match 4 Vs. Assault Loam. Win 2-0
Game 1 Opponent retraced Raven's Crime a few times and slowed the game down, however he took a significant amount of damage from a Monastery Swiftspear and eventually lost to topdecked burn spells. During sideboarding I removed all of the Searing Blazes and one Lava Spike, bringing in all of the Destructive Revelry and the Rest in Peace. Game two I see the Rest in Peace and a Destructive Revelry with 2 lands. KEEP. I go turn 1 Monastery Swiftspear. My turn 2 I cast Destructive Revelry on opponents Molten Vortex. He follows it up with a second Molten Vortex, but I play Rest in Peace to keep him from getting his lands back into his hand with Life from the Loam. I then pressure with burn spells and opponent can't find answers.
Summary: Most matches felt strong and in control. Game 2 against the Lantern player was extremely winnable if I had found another land before turn 9, so I do not feel that any significant changes to the deck for this matchup are required. I do have a feeling that the current two sideboard slots for Sudden Shock are less relevant in my meta than additional graveyard hate, with a dredge deck, multiple Loam decks, and the graveyard artifact/creature combo deck as regulars right now.
With all of the midrange decks running around my FLGS Burn seems like a great choice right now, however if the meta settles the players at my store adjust it might not have as many favourable matchups again.