I need some help finalizing and selecting sideboard. I also feel that the lands may not be optimal.
Inspired by Darin Minard's Boros Burn from GP Dallas.
Primarily a red/white burn deck with a black splash for card draw and possibly some sideboard options.
I'd like to take this to the upcoming PTQ's mainly for the fun and experience, I've been playing about 6 months. I live in a very small town with about 8-10 regular players and realize this isn't a very big pool to test this deck with. So I need some feedback. I also have a Gruul deck similar to Mihara's but I feel this is stronger and easier to play at my experience level.
I feel good about Aggro and Green/Gruul devotion. I usually 1 for 1 early Aggro creatures until Reckoner and Stormbreath come out, the Warleader's Helix helps me play catch up a bit. Also it's been pretty easy to burn down the ramp creatures for decks relying on hitting things like early Garruk and Arbor Colossus. Against red deck wins I've been doing great, hitting a Firedrinker with Warleader's Helix is like a three for one, removing, damaging player, and life gain. Boros Charm offer a huge advantage when we've got dueling Stormbreaths. Post-board I feel like this is the AntiChrist to weenie/aggro decks.
I think mainly I need some help with control match ups and removal heavy decks mainly. What's out there for me vs mono blue, mono black, Esper etc? And any other current top eight types.
How do I deal with Obzedat since Chained to the Rocks is not instant?
Do I need another answer for Master of the Waves, or just board in something like Electrickery to remove the tokens?
Tajic, Blade of the Legion seems to be a great roadblock, I'll rarely get the Battalion swing but is he worth considering?
I saw Spark Troopers in Darin's sideboard, what match ups are these best/worst for? They look great but I have no experience with them.
Should I consider some Swift Justices for Boros Reckoner's infinite life gain combo with Boros Charm or is that silly/unlikely/ or never gonna happen? I haven't tried it thus far because it's cheesy.
Should I consider removal for the Theros devotion Gods themselves or just stick to cutting down their devotion? Also artifact removal for Bident of Thassa and Spear of Heliod.
Am I missing something amazing that should be main board?
Is my mana right? The seat of my pants meter feels like I should swap a mountain or two for a Blood Crypt. Possibly a Godless Shrine?
Lightning Strike seems to have been serving me better than Shock, but it's odd to play red with nothing to do at one mana besides scrying. I can't imagine what I'd sacrifice for a one drop, but I do miss turn one Rakdos Cackler. The strikes are really nice when things like Spear of Heliod puts Weenies out of Shock and Magma Jet range. Giving up the scry 2 on Magma Jets for a cheaper Shock also sounds like insanity.
Is Burning Earth a valid sideboard? Im about 50/50 basic to non-basic and its very nice to play against 3 color decks.
Should I look for another answer for Desecration Demon in addition to Chained to the Rocks?
What is the weakest card in my main deck and what would you replace it with?
Should I main deck Mizzium Mortars? Helix gives me 4 toughness removal but more expensive. Overloading mortars can be difficult and usually not needed because I burn as I go, but the 1R regular cost is very nice.
I feel pretty weak vs removal heavy decks, sometimes a devour flesh or even half of a Far and Away takes my single creature off the board. What should I be siding and removing vs these decks?
I focused on red, but is there something exceptional in Black or White I'm missing?
Skullcrack or Erebos vs lifegain? I like the burn and cost on Skullcrack, I like the Erebos is static and provides card draw, but I don't like relying on black mana too much, already I have half of a Toil/Trouble that I get stuck with sometimes.
I own 3 Mutavaults, should I consider them?
Are there any top decks that I look completely unprepared for?
Imposing Sovereign vs Blind Obedience vs neither, you don't need it?
If I add some more black that gives me some options like Dreadbore and Doom Blade, but I really don't want this to be a three color deck with a crazy mana base and a lot of mulligans and awkward hands.