So this deck is similar to the R/B aggro standard decks floating around with a little twist I've been working on. Just didn't know how to make it work until messing around and coming up with this. Finally got all the cards I needed to complete it and am testing it for the first time competitively this Friday.
3x Lupine Prototype (1x Sideboard)
Although he can't attack or block early game, he has a very difficult time being removed. So he's more solid of a crewer compared to apprentice against other aggro/burn decks.
Inventor's Apprentice
Starts attacking turn 2 for 2 damamge. Either keeps attacking alongside Copter or crews/blocks. Versatile one drop.
4x Smuggler's Copter
The other main component to the deck. Comes out before Lupine to ensure turn 3 attacks and biggest madness outlet in deck.
4x Unlicensed Disintegration
Removal +3 damage... nothing else needs to be said.
Lightning Axe
Creature removal + madness outlet, can be sideboarded vs creature light decks.
2x Gonti, Lord of Luxury
Just seemed like a better four drop than Chandra since I'm not needing that much mana and I have enough burn to keep me going. Deathtouch can keep many things at bay.
The rest are madness cards and burn basically. 24 basic lands, one Smoldering Marsh.