Yesterday, I played a FNM on Wednesday (don't ask any question) and I went 2-1 finishing 2nd in a six people event...
Match 1: B/R Zombies vs B/G Zombies
Game 1 and 2: The dude was playing ten thousand million removal spells, but I got through both games with the haste guys pretty easily. 2-0 WIN
Match 2: B/R Zombies vs Bant control lifegain
Game 1: Azorius Charm is so weak against zombies and Aristocrat and he only got one Thragtusk so that helped a lot.
Game 2: I completely overwhelmed his butt, and he could not stop them all with my burn waiting to consume the little he had left after the early game assault. 2-0 WIN
Match 3: B/R Zombies vs wait a minute yeah yeah RDW!
Game 1: He had Pillar of Falme maindeck so he simply burnt my guys and dropped things like Archwing Dragon (WTF) and Thundermaw Hellkite to destroy me surprisingly easily.
Game 2: Ah that mana screw! To survive (read it you won't believe your eyes) I had to Tragic Slip my own Shred-Freak then Tragic Slip his goddamn Archwing Dragon! On the turn after, he played Thundermaw Hellkite... 0-2 LOSS
After this first try, I'm statisfied. My only problem would be red!? Witchbane Orb could help, but Ash Zealot is really a monster. I also hate this coward dragon that can't stay on the battlefield.