Control the board with various counters and kill spells as well as Reflector Mage, get Brain out early hopefully and win the game with Thing in the Ice or Rise from the Tides.
Anticipate: Best instant draw spell available to us.
Blessed Alliance: Sac a creature, gain 4 life is very helpful for lasting long games.
Brain in a Jar: Helps cast spells throughout the game, sorceries on opponents turn.
Scatter to the Winds: Counter, late game awaken.
Clash of Wills: Gives us lots of options for early counters.
Void Shatter: Another useful counter.
Unsubstantiate: Great variety of uses. Can help get damage through or delay a spell.
Engulf the Shore: Excellent against aggro.
Nagging Thoughts: Helps dig through the deck and fills the graveyard for Rise From the Tides.
Planar Outburst: Clear the board, before casting Rise from.
Reflector Mage: Excellent for stalling the game until we can cast our finishers.
Thing in the Ice
: Excellent early blocker, if it flips good things happen.
Rise from the Tides: Win con of the deck, either cast on the opponents turn using Brain to get untapped tokens, or just flood the board with them and win the next turn hopefully.