
Breya Engine
~ Angry Esper Queen ~

This deck is a Four-colors Engine Midrange Combo Multiplayer Artifact EDH deck:

  • Engine: Salvaging Station and Tawnos's Coffin are our signature cards. We love complex interactions between weird artifacts. We love to play cogs (0/1-CMC artifacts/baubles) in a Salvaging Station package.

  • Midrange Combo: We enjoy to kill the table by comboing off, but only when it is needed to win. The later, the better.

  • Multiplayer: This deck is built for multiplayer (4 to 6 players).

  • Artifact: We love iron and copper. We love artifacts. We play >40 of them. Moreover, this deck is conversion from an old Sharuum the Hegemon Engine deck. Thus, we still use him as a pet card.

  • This deck is semi-competitive. It can win as soon as turn 3 with a God hand.

Infinite mana with Breya = WIN

Combos explanations are partially credited to the user Guerte.

Fast 2-cards combos
  • X Auriok Salvagers + Lion's Eye Diamond : The Old Bomberman Combo. With Salvagers in play, play and crack LED for white mana. Pay to return LED to your hand. This nets you one mana. Repeat to make infinite mana of all colors to cast Breya infinitely and deal infinite damage.
    It is also a 1-card combo with Intuition grabbing those two combo pieces + Unburial Rites (Whatever your opponent lets you into your hand, you will be able to activate the combo).

  • Worldgorger Dragon + Animate Dead / Dance of the Dead / Necromancy : Good ol' George! This combo makes infinite mana by exiling and bringing back all your permanents. How does it do this? First, Worldgorger needs to be in your graveyard. Second, you cast one of your reanimation enchantments targeting the Dragon. He gets brought back, triggers, and then exiles all your permanents. When the enchantment leaves play, it triggers and you sacrifice the Dragon, triggering his return ability. You return all your permanents, which will then trigger your enchantment and target the Dragon. In response to the trigger, you tap your lands and manarocks to float your mana. Keep repeating this process to generate infinite mana. To stop this combo, there needs to be another creature in any graveyard to bring back. If there is not, then the game is a draw. However, if you already have Breya on the battlefield, you can sacrifice the thopters she makes to win the game.

Ashnod Altar / KCI combos
  • X Breya, Etherium Shaper + Nim Deathmantle + Krark-Clan Ironworks / Ashnod's Altar : Sacrifice the 2 Thopter tokens to KCI to generate manas, then sac Breya for more manas and send her to the graveyard to trigger Deathmantle. Pay to bring her back along with 2 more Thopters. This nets you manas. Repeat for infinite colorless mana. Alternatively, you can sac Breya and one Thopter instead to generate infinite Thopters. With infinite Thopters and colorless mana, you can activate Breya's ability at will and burn the world.

  • X Breya, Etherium Shaper + Eldrazi Displacer + Krark-Clan Ironworks / Ashnod's Altar : This combo works similar to the above combo, except you sac 2 Thopters and use the mana to blink Breya with Displacer. This nets you mana. Repeat to make infinite mana to blink Breya infinitely to make infinite Thopters for infinite damage. This combo is useful as it gets around graveyard hate.

Thopter Foundry + Sword of the Meek combos
  • Thopter Foundry + Sword of the Meek + Time Sieve : Infinite turns: Pay 1 mana and feed your Sword to your Foundry, which gains you 1 life and creates you a 1/1 Thopter token. That Thopter triggers Sword and brings it back. End result, you’re down 1 mana, up 1 Thopter, and up 1 life. For every 1 mana you want to spend on this little loop, you gain 1 and get a Thopter. As long as you have 5 manas to invest into the Foundry, you may sacrifice those 5 newly created Thopters to activate the Time Sieve and gain an extra turn, every turn.

  • Thopter Foundry + Sword of the Meek + Clock of Omens + Any manarock that produce at least 1 mana: Tap the newly created Thopter and its Sword with the Clock to untap a manarock. You know have free mana to feed again the Sword to the Foundry and create 1 new untapped Thopter, equipped with an brand new untapped Sword. You have infinite tapped Thopters and life. If your manarock can produce more than 1 mana, you have infinite colorless mana, thus infinite untapped Thopters and life.

  • Thopter Foundry + Sword of the Meek + Krark-Clan Ironworks / Ashnod's Altar : Sacrifice a Thopter into the KCI to get manas. One of that mana is invested again into the Foundry to re-create the Thopter and start again with net mana. Infinite colorless mana leads you to infinite Thopters and life.

Other notable combos
  • Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth : Infinite colorless mana. Tap Monolith for 3 manas. Pay 3 to untap it, triggering Rings. Use the extra 2 manas to copy the untap ability. Now you have 2 untap abilities on the stack. Let the first one resolve, untapping Monolith. Tap it for 3 manas. Let the last untap ability resolve. You now have 3 manas and an untapped Monolith. Repeat for infinite colorless mana. Add in Sensei's Divining Top to draw your entire deck. That mana may also be used as a replacement to KCI/Altar in the two other combos described above.

  • X Notion Thief + Timetwister / Wheel of Fortune / Windfall / Memory Jar : Empties each opponent's hand and draws you that many cards.

  • Salvaging Station + Origin Spellbomb + Krark-Clan Ironworks / Ashnod's Altar : Pay to break Origin Spellbomb into a Myr and feed that token to a sac-outlet, generating . The Salvaging Station's death trigger occurs. In response, tap and activate Salvaging Station to bring the Spellbomb back. Then Salvaging Station's trigger resolves and untaps it. You are know back at your starting point with one extra colorless mana after each cycle. Repeat ad infinitum for infinite colorless mana.

  • Grand Architect + Pili-Pala : Pay to turn the scarecrow into a blue creature, then tap it (as it is healed from summoning sickness) through Grand Architect to get and then use those two colorless manas to untap Pili-Pala and produce a colored mana. Rinse and repeat: infinite colored mana = infinite Breya casting = infinite damage. Note: this is also a 2-cards combo, but slower because it suffers from summoning sickness.

  • Breya, Etherium Shaper + Eldrazi Displacer + Mana Echoes : Each Thopter created by Breya produces two colorless manas with Mana Echoes, for a total of . Activate for the Eldrazi Displacer's blink ability on Breya and start again, with a net mana each cycle. Infinite colorless mana = infinite blink = infinite tokens = infinite Breya's abilities = Win

Old Sharuum signature combos
Currently testing:
Chopping Block:

The following cards are what I'm currently thinking about dropping, either because, they're no longer effective, I became uninterested in them, or they're being replaced with something better.

  • Panharmonicon : Decrease of ETB artifacts/creatures in favor of more baubles.
Cards Choices

Why [insert card name]? → Just ask me here!

Original Engine Primer

All Engine artifact EDH decks have a common source: someone who created the very first Engine Sharuum philosophy. Below you may find the original decklist. The list is too old for nowadays competitive metas, but all information provided in its description are still valuable.

If you wish to understand the spirit behind Engine artifact decks, you must read the following primer:

[Primer] EDH Sharuum Engine: Jostin version

Commander / EDH Stefouch


This deck is a conversion of my old Sharuum Engine EDH deck:

Sharuum Engine : Brown Esper Kitty

Commander / EDH Stefouch


Here you may find my process of conversion to Breya;

Preliminary Tests Show

Second Phase Tests Show

Third phase tests: New cards from Aether Revolt Show

Final testing phase Show

85 / 100
Unavailable: 13 | Not wanted: 9 | Remaining to acquire: 6

  • Regular Foils: 47
  • Prerelease Foils: 0
  • Buy-a-Box Promos: 1
  • FNM Promos: 1
  • Grand Prix & Pro Tour Promos: 1
  • FtV & Duel decks Foils: 2
  • Judge Promos: 4
  • Masterpieces: Zendikar Expeditions: 13
  • Masterpieces: Kaladesh Inventions: 8
  • Miscellaneous Foils & Promos: 1 (JSS)
  • Unavailable in Foil: 13
  • Special Arts & Oldies: 9 (not wanted in foil)

Remaining Acquirable Premiums: 9

  • 9 cards existing in Foil have been excluded for Art reasons.

Remaining Acquirable Black-bordered: 6

  • 6x Dual lands (3ED, WB) → (3ED, BB / FBB)

Hail to Breya, Etherium Shaper, Queen of Esper, and True Seeker of Carmot: Show your adoration by upvoting!
❤️ Please, +1 Upvote if you like this deck ❤️

My other EDH decks Show


Updates Add

The deck is retired, there will be no further update.

New iteration, see there:

Sharuum Engine: Brown Esper Kitty

Commander / EDH Stefouch


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Revision 11 See all

(5 years ago)

Date added 8 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

32 - 0 Mythic Rares

44 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.04
Tokens Construct 1/1 C Token w/ Defender, Emblem Dack Fayden, Emblem Daretti, Scrap Savant, Emblem Venser, the Sojourner, Myr 1/1 C, Spirit 1/1 C, Thopter 1/1 U, Treasure
Folders EDH, Breya, EDH Artifacts Variations, AE86, Edh, Interesantes, Breya References, Interesting Decks to Study Better Later, Good Ideas, EDH Ideas
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