The point of this little series I will be starting is once a week (Sunday) I will produce a budget deck that is able remain competitive. The deck prices will range between $50 - $75.
Elvish Mystic - Just your typical ramper to get to your mid-game faster
Herald of Torment - Can make your creatures flying or just be a nice flying threat. Overall one of my more favorite cards from BNG.
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord - The card that makes this deck run. You can sac your HUGE creatures and basically one hit your opponent AND this guy is out of a lot of removals range (Mizzium, Ultimate Price, Doom Blade). Without this guy the deck is only half as good...simple as that.
Lotleth Troll - One of my favorite golgari cards EVER printed. A 2/1 with 1 for regenerate...I'm liking it. And I can discard to make this guy bigger?? I'm sold! He not only fuels your graveyard but can pose a threat very early for massive amounts of damage.
Nemesis of Mortals - You can drop this turn 3 essentially for two though that's usually not the case. It's a 5/5 that comes out very early.
Nighthowler - This cards synergy in this deck makes it probably the single best card in the deck. While you're searching through your deck you are fueling this card to either be a huge creature or a huge enchantment that becomes a creature for 3 or 4 mana. THAT'S INSANE!
Nyx Weaver - A creature that can block cards such as Desecration Demon and stop Nightveil Specter...and it fills your graveyard....and it can potentially return a creature? Sounds great!
Reaper of the Wilds - A great, and what I believe to be, an underplayed card because this cards control and midrange match is crazy by dodging removal and allowing you to scry through your deck
Satyr Wayfinder - Allows you to search for lands and fill your graveyard
Non-creature Spells:
Commune with the Gods - Allows you to dig through your deck for creature or enchantment while filling your graveyard up
Grisly Salvage - Allows you to dig through your deck for land or a creature while filling your graveyard up
If you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them!
Comment decks you would like to see and I'll work on it!