This is a budget version of vehicles, with emphasis on more vehicles, and all of the creatures being dwarves. Pretty fun deck, won me a couple FNMs, feel free to leave suggestions and criticisms.
Toolcraft Exemplar and Veteran Motorist were obvious choices for creatures, so then I had to choose between Pia Nalaar and Depala Pilot exemplar, and while Pia is the choice for the meta decks, I would go for Depala every day of the week, the buffs and draw power are just great, and has won me so much more matches than when I used Pia.
Obviously all Vehicles trigger Toolcraft Exemplar, but hardly ever Toolcrafts second ability. I made a bold choice to include more vehicles than normal so that Toolcraft could have first strike, and because of that I felt I needed a playset of Peacewalker Colossus. Aethersphere Harvester is good for keeping me in the game a little longer, and can contribute to a Harnessed Lightning, as can Aether Hub. Fleetwheel Cruiser is my favorite topdeck, because its 5 quick combat damage without the need of a crew, great after a boardwipe. The last vehicle, Heart of Kiran, doesn't really need an explanation.
I don't have planeswalkers, even though they are good, because I wanted more room for vehicles and dwarves. All of my creatures can crew HOK, and if I have a Depala out, I can crew Peacewalker, but peacewalker is more for triggering Toolcraft and crewing other vehicles with mana.
A cool combo is if I resolve two Peacewalker Colossus, I can tap 2 generic mana and 2 white mana to double crew them and smash face for 12, 14 if Depala is out. Its funny against control decks that never expect it.