The point of this little series I will be starting is once a week (Sunday) I will produce a budget deck that is able remain competitive. The deck prices will range between $50 - $75.
This deck took a while to get where I wanted it to be. I quickly realized that mono blue or mono black devotion would be difficult because a lot of the staple cards are very high priced. I tried Master of the Fest in mono black in substitution of Desecration Demon, but that didn't work out because one of your biggest advantages in that deck is card advantage. So then I got to thinking about where Master of the Feasts could be used and this was the result.
NOTICE: The deck was a bit late this week because of Easter yesterday. Also, from here I will begin implementing Journey into Nyx cards as pre-release is less than a week away and everything has officially been spoiled. If you haven't seen the spoilers already you can check it out here!
Brain Maggot
- Its like a cheap pseudo thoughtseize that adds a body. Basically the standard version of Tidehollow Sculler (which I love).
Herald of Torment
- An evasion creature that's a 3/3 for 3? Count me in! This card was also one of my favorite cards released in Born of the Gods along with Pain Seer.
4x Master of the Feast - Okay. I know giving your opponent cards is bad...I KNOW! BUT they either remove this guy or they're on a very short clock. The "card advantage" that they gain sometimes won't even be relevant because of our card draw off of Pain Seer. I love this guy...hate or love me for it...he's an awesome card.
Mogis's Marauder
- Can cause an explosive amount of damage out of nowhere that cannot be blocked. Only reason it's not a 4 of here is because mono black.
2x Pack Rat - If you get flooded with land you can start discarding to pack rat and things can get nasty from there
Pain Seer
- Allows for card advantage while still sticking to the plan of getting in damage
4x Rakdos Cackler - Best one drop for the deck a 2/2 turn 1 is definitely a threat.
Tormented Hero
- One of your staple one drops to start the game off with a boom
Thrill-Kill Assassin
- A two drop that can almost always get in because no one wants to block deathtouch, or if you need to you can keep him back to block a threat.
2x Devour Flesh - Removes anything that may be difficult to deal with such as Blood Baron of Vizkopa, who can really allow an opponent to sustain against us.
2x Doom Blade - Cheap efficient removal against non black decks
4x Ultimate Price - Efficient removal that gets almost anything
2x Bile Blight - Stops early aggro/gods and Elspeth tokens
If you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them!
Comment decks you would like to see and I'll work on it!