
Creature (1)

Enchantment (2)

Sorcery (4)


Artifact (1)

This may be my favorite of these budget decks I've made. It is really fun.


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Esper Control (deck:esper-cutroll)


Game 1:

My one creature in hand was duressed, but I top decked a Rakdos Cackler and then a Tormented Hero which both did some work. He used two removal spells on my guys, the first killed off the cackler, the second I negated with Orzhov Charm to save the hero. I then played the hero, and triggered heroic twice to win. This game was made alot easier by his shock lands, I basically only had to do him 14 to win.

Game 2:

Much closer game, he dominated early with Detention Sphere, Far / Away, and Azorius Charm, so by turn 5 he was still at a healthy 16. He then played a Blood Baron of Vizkopa (sideboard), which seriously worried me. I answered by emptying a hand of creatures I'd been drawing all game. After I pass the turn and he plays a Soldier of the Pantheon I had 5 creatures facing him down, with a hand of two enchantments, and him a hand of two land. I top decked a doom blade to kill the soldier, then played a Gift of Orzhova on a Rakdos Cackler. The life gain battle went back and forth for a few truns with no big top decks, untill I hit an Orzhov Charm. That was only just in time, as he top decked a Hero's Downfall, but I was able to save my cackler and win a few turns later.

Matcup Rating: 3/5 (Even

GW Aggro (Conclaves Boombox)


Game 1: Could gave been pretty bad, he got way ahead after killing a Rakdos Cackler plus enchantment with a Selesnya Charm token, and then slamming a Soldier of the Pantheon and a Loxodon Smiter, but I had an Orzhov Charm for the smiter, and a Doom Blade for the soldier. I then made him sac a wurm token to Agent of the Fates and won with the agent.

Game 2: I had the god draw (Agent of Fates into Dark Favor into Dark Favor he was super low before finding a removal spell (Selesnya Charm) but I just saved it with Orzhov Charm and the heroic triggers were enough to win.

Matchup Rating: 4/5 (good)

Green Red Land Destruction Midrange (Land breaker 2013)


Game 1: Triple High Priest of Penance all eat removal spells, before a Sylvan Caryatid lands for him, and an Agent of the Fates lands for me. He tries to Mizzium Mortars the agent, but I save it with Orzhov Charm triggering heroic and causing him to sac his Sylvan Caryatid, I replay the Agent of the Fates but he uses Mizzium Mortars and I'm left with no creatures and a hand with only a Doom Blade and a Scourmark. He drops a Xenagos, the Reveler and starts churning out tokens. I draw only enchantments for the rest of the game and he wins on turn 12.

Game 2: Absolute Blow out. I kept a one land 6 and his land blow ups meant I never had another. Ended the game with a Stormbreath Dragon monstrosity with me at 6 cards in hand.

Matchup Rating: 2/5 (Bad)

Orzhov Midrange (deck:propaganda-due-orzhov-midrange)


Game 1: Game ones in this matchup are pretty rough. I'm just dead to alot of cards in his deck, and Agent of the Fates, while he does do some work, usually just dies to some removal spell. That was the case in this one, but an Orzhov Charm on his Desecration Demon gave me a chance. with me at 12 life and him at 6 he had another Desecration Demon, and an Alms Beast, and I had two Judge's Familiars, one with enchanted with a Gift of Orzhova and an Ethereal Armor. He swung with the two creatures, I chumped the alms beast with the non enchanted one to do to 7. If I top decked any enchantment I would win, but I top decked a Doom Blade so I passed the turn. He swung with both, I blocked the demon, went to two, and then drew a Scourmark on my turn, that if I had seen one turn earlier I would have won with. Sigh

Game 2: Blow out. He had double Thoughtseize to strip my hand, and then a Hero's Downfall for my agent of fates. He won with Blood Baron of Vizkopa.

Matchup Rating: 1/5(Terrible)

Red Deck Wins (deck:well-gg-turn-4-bro)


Game 1: I got mana screwed and just got beat down by Firedrinker Satr and Chandra's Phoenix. The creatures I landed just ate burn spells before I could get anything going.

Game 2: This one was alot closer. I got a turn one Tormented Hero into a Judge's Familiar into Ethereal Armor into a Gift of Orzhova on both my guys. That would normally be just absurd against a RDW deck, but he had a hand with triple Chandra's Phoenix, so it was actually very close. I ended up winning the race because of the life gain, despite being chump blocked four times by the same phoenix.

Game 3: Blisteringly fast game. I went turn one Rakdos Cackler into Dark Favor and swung him to 15 on turn 2. He went Radkos Cackler into Ash Zealot and swung me down to 15 turn two. He played a mountain and a Chandra's Phoenix and swung me down to 9. I missed my third land drop, and didn't have a white source to play the Yoked Ox in my hand, so I only swung him down to 10. and played a not unleashed Rakdos Cackler. He curved out into a Fanatic of Mogis for 6 and then swung for lethal.

Matchup Rating: 3/5 (Even)


Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 4 Rares

23 - 5 Uncommons

11 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.78
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