The point of this little series I will be starting is once a week (Sunday) I will produce a budget deck that is able remain competitive. The deck prices will range between $50 - $75.
This was one of the more difficult decks to build purely because the high price of almost all the cards. Also, I'd like to apologize for this deck being a little late, I had quite a bit of things to do yesterday before I could get started on this.
Arbor Colossus - First off he's 5 for a 6/6 with reach which is mighty convenient in a standard filled with Desecration Demons. On the other hand he can also be used a giant beater.
Boon Satyr - The flash makes this guy super important as you can maneuver around your opponents play and use him as a nice little combat trick and beater at the same time.
Burning-Tree Emissary - Honestly the biggest reason I see Burning-Tree as a very playable card is because the endless combos he allows on turn 2 which can give you a very aggro heavy start and make it hard for your opponent to catch up with your early board state.
Deadbridge Goliath - Deadbridge is like an unwanted Polukranos. the best thing he has to offer is being a 5/5 beater for 4 which not much on turn 4 is going to be able to trade with this guy. The little bonus of being able to scavenge him is nice being able to take something like a Elvish Mystic and turn it into an Arbor Colossus.
Elvish Mystic - Early game ramper that allows you to quickly reach your threats
Fanatic of Xenagos - Honestly I like this guy a lot and he has seen a bit of competitive play here and there. Either they pay the tribute and you get a 4/4 for 3 which is an amazing deal, or they don't and you get a 3/3 haste for 3 which is awesome. The only downside to this guy is it allows your opponent to control the game by picking what you get, but other than that I love this guy.
Ghor-Glan Rampager - Possibly the nastiest card in this deck. A 4/4 body with trample for 4 is always relevant, but it's the combat trick that makes this guy scary. You can swing with your smallest body in the deck and still make it a huge threat WITH trample!
Gyre Sage - A replacement for caryatid. Gyre Sage isn't the best but he can also turn into a big body if left undealt with in the mid to late game, or if undealt with he can become a mega ramper.
Polis Crusher - Suprisingly this guy doesn't see too much play, but my friends and I have discussed multiple times how much we love him. In this current standard were control is a huge part of the meta with Esper, America, and U/B he's untargetable by one of their best spells, detention sphere, leaving decks such as blue white with only Supreme Verdict to deal with him. On the other hand, Polis Crusher is a 4/4 for 5 that has trample and a relatively inexpensive monstrous if you have rampers...did I mention he kills enchantments when he goes monstrous as well? Though he may not fit into a 4 of mainboard I definitely feel he can be a sideboard card against control and enchantment heavy decks.
Board control:
Magma Jet - This was an interesting choice for me as I'm usually not a huge Magma Jet fan but I found it strangely appropriate in this deck. Aggro can get off to a good start against us with things like Ash Zealot where our blockers don't mean much since we don't run Courser, so to fill that spot we have Magma Jet. Not only does it slow down early aggro decks but it allows us to scry two which is super important in a deck that doesn't run Domri or Courser so we can set ourselves up for better draws moving into the midgame where our power spike hits.
Mizzium Mortars - This is just your typical 2 drop kill a creature or 6 drop board wipe that R/G needs to keep control of the board.
If you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them!
Comment decks you would like to see and I'll work on it!