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B/U/G spells bug, and those infect you!

Modern BUG (Sultai)



Creature (3)

Land (1)

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turn3 kill isn't too complicated:

t1 forest

t2 forest, Necropede /Ichorclaw Myr

t3 island, Distortion Strike, 2x Groundswell

if turn 1 a Birds of Paradise is dropped, a groundswell can be replaced by a Vines of Vastwood if need be. If turn 1 and turn 2 BoP's are dropped, both groundswells can be replaced by vines of vastwoods if need be

UPDATE ~ Taken out 1x BoP and 2x Necropede for 3x Cystbearer , also put 1 lash back in for a lens

The lash proved to be less useful than i thought, so i reduced the number of lashes to 2, decided that infiltration lens is good for the deck no matter what people say, 'cause it will either give me advantage or an opening for spreading poison.virulent swipes and prey's vengeances have been taken out as giant growths will perform faster now that there's less emphasis on the lash.I was lacking creatures because of all the removal these days, so I added the hands and putrefaxes for respectively a steadier midgame and a midgame surprise shot.

UPDATE ~ took out the Stabbing Pain s for Virulent Swipe thanks to andmike. It helps with buffing, and if a livewire lash is under a creature, instead of casting stabbing pain and then some boost spell, i can use virulent swipe on the creature, dealing 2 poison counters to target player, then boost the creature with another card, dealing 2 deathtouch damage to the creature i would normally have stabbing pained, effectively killing it and then attack. it's much more versatile than stabbing pain and also, it has rebound! <3 andmike

UPDATE ~ took out all Putrefax es, Mimic Vats, and the Hand of the Praetors.Made it completely weenie with only 2cmc creatures, and put in more boost cards and an additional livewire lash. Am still doubting between Virulent Swipe and Prey's Vengeance . Also added 3 Tangle Angler s to the sideboard against heavy burn decks

UPDATE ~ am steering the deck again to a faster deck than it is now, which is why i will probably take out the Putrefax es, the mimic vats, some of the Hand of the Praetors and maybe more, check my last comment to see what's in store for the deck, and feel free to comment or +1 if you like it or have suggestions/criticism!

UPDATE ~ Decided to keep the blue, but i am now reconsidering Infiltration Lens for the party, because if they're gonna block my creatures, which they will want to, i might as well get card advantage out of it while i haven't drawn a distortion strike, right?problem is: what to sub out for it, and should i really?

IMPORTANT: should i keep blue or not? it works pretty well with the mana, with the BoPs and the fetch/dual lands, but it's still less stable than B/G, then again, Distortion Strike was made for infect+ Livewire Lash

SB aggro:+3fog+3tangle+3vendetta -3lens-2necropede-2growth-2myr

SB Control:+2leak+2turn+2pierce -4growth-1lash-1lens

SB Agtroll:+2leak+2pierce+2turn+3tangle+3vendetta -3lens-4growth-2pewter-3lash


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Date added 14 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

23 - 0 Rares

11 - 5 Uncommons

18 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.67
Folders Nice stuff, Inspiration, Old
Ignored suggestions
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