
Just a list I threw together with my commons/uncommons bin and a playset of Elvish Clancaller. I made this for new players looking to pick up a fairly powerful but inexpensive deck. Only 1 card exceeds the 1$ mark (just barely).

Just a typical elf-ball list. You have the option to go wide and anthem up with Elvish Clancaller or you can go tall with 1/2 big elves using Timberwatch Elf.


Early game acceleration:

4x Elvish Mystic (TSR)

4x Arbor Elf (MYS1)

4x Llanowar Elves (30A)

4x Birchlore Rangers (PSAL)

4x Elvish Visionary (GN3)

Go wide enablers:

4x Dwynen's Elite (J22)

4x Lys Alana Huntmaster (J22)

Win conditions:

4x Elvish Clancaller (M19) (If you go wide)

4x Timberwatch Elf (KHC) (a way to go tall instead)

Card advantage:

4x Lead the Stampede (IKO)

4x Sylvan Messenger (GN3) (This is also the ideal target for Timberwatch Elf)


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(2 years ago)

+1 Elvish Herder side
+1 Elvish Lyrist side
+1 Elvish Scrapper side
+1 Elvish Skysweeper side
Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Rares

12 - 2 Uncommons

28 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.18
Tokens Elf Warrior 1/1 G, Morph 2/2 C
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