Casual blue devotion
I'm looking to convert a friend from playing yugioh whom doesn't have a lot of time to play but is very willing to play. So i wanna build him a modern blue deck that isn't too pricey, doesn't suck and does not need to be tournament tier good.
So here's what I put together
Generally its trying to place as many blue permanents with blue mana costs onto the field as possible. Then drop Master of Waves for swarmage. The Grand architect boosts blur creatures and can help bring out Wurmcoil for pain.
Inkfathom Infiltrator
Stacks devotion and can net you some early damage which can get quite deadly once the blue boosters are online.
Frostburn Weird
Early field presence that is flexible with defense or go for an open hit with great addition to devotion.
2x Master of the Pearl Trident Mainly used as early game field presence but it boosts the other Merfolks in the deck and oh it also has 2 blue mana symbols.
3x Grand Architect 3 functions: 1. Boosts blue creatures 2. Two mana symbols 3. Can make Contagion Engine become fairly cheap and drain the enemy field with -1/-1 counters.
3x Nightveil Specter Mainly used as a blue devotion enabler. It's fairly tough and has flying evasion.
4x Master of Waves The deck was virtually built around this guy, stacking blue devotion for deadly swarming.
1x Thassa, God of the Sea Can accelerate the deck and since we're playing blue devotion it can't hurt to have an indestructible tank on the field.
2x Bident of Thassa Stacks 2 devotion and allows me to manipulate the field and get in some valuable draws, especially with
Inkfathom Infiltrator
2x Cloudform Stacks devotion and with Bident of Thassa, my manafested creature will net some free draws.
1x Contagion Engine I had wurmcoil in this slot initially, but realized that this one works way better.
2x Counterbalance I was looking for cheap blue devotion enchantments and this one was amazing! Since most of the cards are cost 2-3, I can counter most things. It can get really annoying fast. Oh and it stacks devotion.
2x Cyclonic Rift Bounce pesky threats and overload it to tilt the game
4x Negate Cheap counter, mainly used to stop removal
4x thassa rebuff It's easy to establish devotion in this deck. Having the versatility to counter anything for only 2 mana is even more awesome.
work in progress