
Instant (5)


The Walking Dead

We are planning party, why don't you join us. But beware; I heard the Dead are coming as well

Any good party needs a crowd to party with, we've invited some Zombies to come to the Cha Cha with us. The First Zombie to enter the party is Gravecrawler a pesky little guy that is hard to get rid of, especially once his Zombie brethren have joined the party. He brought along his friend Ashen Ghoul Just as annoying and hard to get rid of, they almost always come in pairs. Another great Couple is Scourge of Nel Toth and Boneyard Scourge Nel Toth wants to feed on your Ghouls and Crawlers, but they don't mind that much and it doesn't take them long to rejoin the Party. Boneyard Scourge is Nel Toth's back up, you almost never see the 2 together, but you can always count on the fact that Boneyard Scourge will replace Nel Toth in her duties whenever need be. Bloodghast differs a bit from the rest of your crew, as you can't pay Mana to make him come back, but that doesn't mean he won't show up very much regularly
Another thing you need to make a party successful is a reliant Staff to ensure that the guests can find the party, and will not be disturbed. First we have Stitcher's Supplier dying has left him illiterate, so now we hired him to trash our library and turn it into a proper graveyard. Then we have Buried Alive, some of our guests are reluctant to show up sometimes, so we bury them to lift their spirits and get them motivated again. Necromancer's Stockpile provides you with the means to get the zombies you don't want in hand to get out of there. Especially with the dragon sisters, you wan't them either on the floor or in the grave, your hand is not the right place for them. also slight benefit as throwing Zombies in the grave provides you with a small Zombie Token to Cha Cha with. Deadeye Tracker is a reliant man who helps you drawing Land, optimizing your draw, or getting your guests from the library to the graveyard, just an all-around reliable guy who helps you make the party run. And last but not least we have Corpse Churn It will help the Stitcher to trash your library while also helping you to get some members of Staff or the Band out of the Grave and into your Hand, where they ought to be.
Now we are almost finished planning the Party, all we need is a good Band to make our Opponents shiver in their Bones. On the Bass we have Zulaport Cutthroat not only a great choice for healing yourself, he also does damage to your opponents who want to crush your party. But what is a Bass without Drums to set the rythm, so on the Drums we have the Carrion Feeder, a perfect match for your Cutthroat, come together and your Gravecrawler will start to dance like crazy. And at last we have the Queen herself on the mic, Liliana of the Dark Realms will provide your Ghast with the Land to always return to the spectacle and for the grande finale she provides you near infinite mana for your guests to dance off to.

A truly once in a deathtime party, we have assembled here. The music just never stops.


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97% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 0 Rares

9 - 0 Uncommons

3 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.61
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