Another thing you need to make a party successful is a reliant Staff to ensure that the guests can find the party, and will not be disturbed.
First we have
Stitcher's Supplier dying has left him illiterate, so now we hired him to trash our library and turn it into a proper graveyard.
Then we have
Buried Alive, some of our guests are reluctant to show up sometimes, so we bury them to lift their spirits and get them motivated again.
Necromancer's Stockpile provides you with the means to get the zombies you don't want in hand to get out of there. Especially with the dragon sisters, you wan't them either on the floor or in the grave, your hand is not the right place for them. also slight benefit as throwing Zombies in the grave provides you with a small Zombie Token to Cha Cha with.
Deadeye Tracker is a reliant man who helps you drawing Land, optimizing your draw, or getting your guests from the library to the graveyard, just an all-around reliable guy who helps you make the party run.
And last but not least we have
Corpse Churn It will help the Stitcher to trash your library while also helping you to get some members of Staff or the Band out of the Grave and into your Hand, where they ought to be.