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Cheatyface Reanimator with the Mimeoplasm

Commander / EDH* BUG (Sultai) Multiplayer Reanimator



Creature (2)

Enchantment (1)

Artifact (1)

Instant (1)

Sorcery (1)


Creature (500)

Ah. The good old Cheatyface reanimator deck.

This mimeoplasm deck specializes in reanimation strategies. It is ideal to be able to use one of the many looting and/or survival effects to dump a fatty early and cheat it out before people have enough time to set up or draw answers.

It can deploy a very fast and deadly early-game, yet its reanimation choices also give it an immense amount of draw power, allowing one to easily be able to keep up in cards for practically the whole game as long as those card engines are still available in some way.

Late-game the deck isn't as potent at finishing off players as other green rampy midrange decks that use cards like Avenger of Zendikar, Craterhoof Behemoth, or a Tooth and Nail for both. This is because of the amount of deck space dedicated to looting and recursion as well as the lower ramp spell density. However, it can win off infinite combos and cause so much early disruption to critical-mass based decks that you will never see them reach that stage.

In such a situation the deck will call for a combo or filling its grave enough to pull off a lethal living death with enough protection to keep the team from getting wiped. Your counterspells will always be able to negate instants and sorceries.

This deck has a toolbox that can answer nearly any problem situation or commander presented to you. Got artifact problems? Cheat out an early Terastodon. Is Voltron giving you a headache? Use one of the reanimation enchantments with Kederekt Leviathan so that they never get a chance to attack! This deck is fairly permanent-light so the leviathan's global bounce mostly helps you by bouncing back the enchantment!Additionally, its early game can win easily if you reanimate Jin-Gitaxias or some other Praetor and get it to stick.

The counterspells are valuable for dealing with any card that is a pain in your butt. Voidslime is useful to hold onto against grave hate because all of its modes can counter once any type of yard hate used against you, even Bojuka Bog!The counterspells can also be aimed at dangerous targets that your removal suite currently cannot handle.

However, this deck predictably eats yard hate hard and generally can only efficiently finish a table with its single infinite combo. The list isn't optimized to take advantage of mimeoplasm 1-2 shot kills. It can also chew through your own life total quickly if you're not careful.

Chopping Block:

Opulent Palace, Cephalid Coliseum: Bad lands. Need to be cut. Especially if I want to incorporate cycles.

Several more basics: I can go to 1-2 per pretty easily.

Going in soon:

More fetches: Waiting for reprint

POSSIBLY Cycle lands: Waiting for other manabase upgrades. Will go in with Life from the Loam

Cards I wish I owned:

Force of Will: 0-mana counter. Enough said

Mana Drain: Makes people play heavily around it and wins the game with the tempo boost on occasion.

Bazaar of Baghdad: Uncounterable loot on a land. It is card disadvantage and takes up a spell slot, but super powerful.

ABU duals: They cost money. Money doesn't grow on trees. Only the stuff they use to make money grows on trees!

Cards to Try:

Life from the Loam: Land destruction resistance. A card advantage engine with cycle lands. This card impressed the hell out of me in my other decks. Has the downside of eating yard hate just like all our other engines though. Also it's really REALLY bad early.

Flip Jace: It's like a looter that I can cash in for seriously good stuff when I don't need the looter anymore. Hell yeah!



Date added 10 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

47 - 4 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 2 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.12
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Bird 2/2 U, Elephant 3/3 G, Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Manifest 2/2 C
Folders Other Commander Ideas, edh, Deck Ideas, Commander Ideas, Favorites of ALL TIME, EDH, Ideas, EDH decks
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