I learned ALOT during these games!
--Round One: 2-0 vs Grixus Delver/control.
Pretty straightforeward match, I just managed to draw what I needed to quickly throw out Woodland Bellowers both games, which caused him some problems.
--Round Two: 0-2 vs Grixus Delver/control.
This gave me a good laugh, talk about variance! I lost game one to his three Delver of Secrets
Flip which were transformed by turn four... Game two I lost by drawing 11 of the 22 lands in my deck. =)
--Round Three: 1-2 vs Abzan Eldritch Evolution.
Game one, I saw it coming, but he hit a natural turn 5-6 Archangel of Thune/Spike Feeder combo, and I didn't have an answer. Game Two, he never found the combo, and I pounded my way through a pair of Fleecemane Lions after I comboed for a turn. Game Three, I lost to the Archangel combo, despite my incredibly fast start. =/
-- Round Four: 1-2 vs R/B Through the Breach
Game One, I lost to a turn three Griselbrand followed by a turn four Emrakul. Game Two I won on the back of early aggression and enough Beast Withins to keep him off his land. Game Three, I prevented his combos for a while, but lost in the same way as Game One.
LEARNED: This deck really wants Loaming Shaman mainboard. Shaman allows me to recycle everything sacrificed to Evolutionary Leap, especially when the combo is online (I had a game where I ran out of creatures in my deck).
Additionally, I really need to find a better answer to problematic combo creatures.