
The basic concept is to get flyers out and pump them. The curve is relatively cheap so the deck tends to play aggressively. Additionally, most of the creatures have global effects or enter the battlefield effects, so there are some really good interactions with Mirror Mockery.

Thunderclap Wyvern is an all-star in this deck. He's an instant speed combat trick, blocker, and since every creature is a flyer, buffs everything.

Faerie Miscreant starts the pressure early. 1\1 flyer for U is ok, but with multiples or the Mockery, replaces herself or gains you card advantage every turn she attacks. Added insanity- multiple Mockey's on one Faerie.

Tower Geist a 2\2 flyer that draws you one of the two top cards for 4 mana is pretty decent. Helps get you through the deck as well as potentially help spell mastery- not that there's a lot in the deck, but there is some. Another excellent target for the Mockery

Stratus Dancer can be played face up on turn 2 for an aggressive push, or morphed to act as some utility\ protection. Megamorphed as a 3\2 and with the Wyvern a 4\3? Sounds good to me.

Wingmate Roc the top of the curve and is absolute value-town. With all flyers in the deck, trigger raid is a snap. Attack with him with a Mockery gives you another Roc that gives you another token... you have to sac the Roc, but the token gets to stay.

Soulblade Djinn also the top of the curve, the Djinn gives you another big flyer, and the ability to give all your creatures prowess. Put a Mockery on him and then cast an Anticipate and all your creatures get +2+2.

Mirror Mockery really powers this deck. As mentioned previously, almost all the creatures give direct value being enchanted with it. Can also help you stabilize by enchanting an opponents creature to provide you a blocker any time it attacks. Has potential for real advantage.

Anticipate some choice of cards with the draw spell is never a bad thing. Also triggers prowess and helps with the spell mastery once in the yard.

Kytheon's Tactics is a decent boost to your creatures, and since they all fly, should be a decent boost to damage to your opponent. Added bonus with the vigilance is nice if you've got the mastery.

Swift Reckoning solid removal to help keep you alive, and even better with the mastery.

Valorous Stance additional removal\ protection. Good utility card.

The sideboard is a bit speculative- a couple more Valorous Stance seems like a pretty good place to start. I'm not a big fan of Reality Shift, but it's pretty good against Hangarback Walker and the rotating Stormbreath Dragon. The Hidden Dragonslayer comes in vs the red\ agro decks easy enough- Radiant Purge is good against abzan and jeskai, with the purge good against any of the Kans decks. Disdainful Stroke is just another value card.


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I've made a few changes based on my current card pool on MTGO- I still don't have the Wingmate Rocs, so I switched in High Sentinels of Arashin and modified some numbers to include the Citadel Siege. This is how I am playing it online and it is still a lot of fun to play. The Siege helps add some punch to the smaller flyers (Faeries\ Dancers\ Skyspawners) in the event you don't see a Wyvern, or some defense should you choose the Dragon side.

Additional, the Sentinel is preforming very well. He also can pump the smaller flyers, and is a pretty big body himself. Also nice synergy with the Stratus Dancer and Sieges.

If I am able to acquire the Wingmate Roc's, I'd most likely swap out the Tower Geist for them. The Geists are good, but the Rocs are better- additionally, I think the 4 slot is a little overloaded currently.

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Revision 8 See all

(8 years ago)

+3 Citadel Siege main
+3 Erase side
+3 Mastery of the Unseen side
-3 Silkwrap side
-3 Wingmate Roc main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #4 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 6 Rares

13 - 3 Uncommons

12 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.76
Tokens Copy Clone, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Manifest 2/2 C, Morph 2/2 C
Folders Potential budget decks, standard, Deck Suggestions, Cool decks, Cheese decks, Standard budget, good stuff, likey, Standard Budget, other people's stuff
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