Collected Company, how this card will eventually make G/X decks run extremely smoothly and very dangerous. Currently there are two ways to build the Collected Company deck that I'm aware of:
Use Den Protector and Deathmist Raptor combination
Abuse most creatures ETB effects to obtain some benefits or eventually benefits that stack
I'm currently opting for the second build as the first build is way too expensive
Currently there are 25 available targets for Collected Company so not being able to bring out one creature with it is extremely rare (still possible)
Key Roles for Creatures:
Underworld Coinsmith: Body of a bear but triggers constellation whenever an enchantment hits the board. Plus the ability to deal one damage with extra mana is quite decent.
Grim Guardian: Solid wall against aggro decks and pings your opponent for one each time an enchantment hits the board is quite useful.
Eidolon of Blossoms: Draw engine for this deck, extremely important with all those enchantments hitting the board
Doomwake Giant: End game play that will hopefully clear out tokens and anything else that is relatively small
Supporting Cast for creatures
Athreos, God of Passage: Able to be picked up by Collected Company and prevents many of your creatures from dying without payment. Should never be a creature if possible. They either deal with it now, or I will just repeat the process of having them enter the battlefield to retrigger constellation
Brain Maggot: Instant speed Thoughtseize when paired with Collected Company. Excellent ambush card
Courser of Kruphix: Thx to Sam_I_am for reminding me of this card, no idea how I forgot about it -.-. Filtering lands off the top of my deck and small lifegain
Eidolon of Rhetoric: One of the odd ball cards in my deck that seems to work extremely well. Only one spell can be casted per player is highly relevant as most of my mana would be sunk into Underworld Coinsmith at the end of the turn if I don't have a play at instant speed. Decision making on what to play and when to play becomes a key role
Herald of Torment: A flying beat stick to whittle down the life total.
Master of the Feast: A bigger flying beat stick that makes it a prime target for removal. Paired with Eidolon of Rhetoric and your opponent would be discarding quite a bit
Renowned Weaver: The second oddball card in my deck. By itself, it does not trigger any constellation but her ability does. This also combos well with Athreos, God of Passage as they would have to pay 3 life to keep it in the graveyard, or I can get another enchantment spider token when I recast it and sacrifice it, again...
Non-Creature Spells
Banishing Light: A staple to remove some immediate threats on the board ASAP. Planewalkers, Big fatties, Annoying enchantments/artifacts, etc
Collected Company: The deck was built around this card. You either draw into your threats to be played, or surprise your opponent with it when your hit two targets and they both trigger constellation. Also acts like a small filter for unwanted cards
Read the Bones: If you don't have Collected Company in your hand by T4, use this to hopefully find it.
Banishing Light: When you need an answer to more removal, plus it triggers constellation
Dromoka's Command: Sacrificing enchantments, prevent burn damage, buffing a creature, removing a creature... I'll take it, since it comes all on one card
Foul-Tongue Invocation: Removing all those hexproof creatures is fairly important. Don't really care too much about the life gain I might get from it
Glare of Heresy: Exile those Siege Rhinos cause I would not like them back. Plus any relevant white permanent like Banishing Light, Elspeth, etc
Nyx Weaver: Another target for Collected Company but most importantly, I get return something from my graveyard if I lost it early
Nyx-Fleece Ram: Super solid wall against aggro decks, life gain is a huge bonus. Also a target for Collected Company
Rally the Ancestors: Recommended by DaftVader and it makes sense. 25 creatures I have are 3 CMC or less, so for 4 CMC, I could bring back most of my graveyard and trigger constellation. It is still a horrible card though on its own
Thank You for taking the time and looking through the deck. Any comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.