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Competitive Captain Sisay (Proven)

Commander / EDH* Combo Competitive Control GW (Selesnya) Ramp



Not been updated for a long time... lots has happened - with the predicted banning of Paradox Engine, and the released sets and other Commander's that have overtaken the meta. But overall I keep tinkering with my faithful Captain Sisayfoil and she never lets me down. Must admit I was tempted to switch to include Sisay, Weatherlight Captain as Commander for ONE card that I LOVE LOVE LOVE for Captain Sisayfoil - Esika, God of the Tree   - what a damn shame it requires a commander with 5 colours!. Anywho... just a little update as I am too lazy to edit the main body :P )


This deck has massively evolved over time. It started as most Sisay decks do; mass amounts of legends and no real synergy, focus, adaptability and planning. I have moved from a hardcore all out aggressive play style to a more conservative play style that takes into account the meta. The latest configuration is focussed on control and adaptability. It can certainly win on turn 3-4, but it is designed as a true tool-box deck that can last the long game with anything thrown at it - patience and countering their strategies is key, but can also be a 'release the kraken' deck as well. It certainly ensures exquisitely challenging games and less of the run of the mill constant turn 4 wins. It has moved from a 'combo' type deck relying on infinite mana and other party tricks to a complete deck that can win from virtually anywhere from combat, poison, land destruction, and a nasty stax control strategy that completely shuts down all opponents.

As new sets arrive, I assess their feasibility of what they can add to the deck.... but importantly adapting to the metas as new cards and combos arrive.

~The Deck~

Honed and tuned, the deck seeks to find a balance of the right amount of land and ramp. I used to have 30 land with a 20+ ramp package, but I just found the land was not reliable enough so I switched to 32 lands, and ensured the ramp package had more 0 and 1 drops for a total of 55 land and ramp cards. Now it is very reliable with mulligans rare.

The deck has become truly an adaptable tool-box. Virtually everything is tutorable as it is legendary, and this is where the first outright win-con shines; Urza's Ruinous Blast will exile all opponents field and sparing yours. Sure there are some cards I lose, but it is nothing compared to their losses.

The ability to generate mass amount of creatures and tokens, which then are able to be utilised to generate mana is also the foundation of another strategy; modified creature tactics. With +1/+1 counters, creatures can make casting other creatures next to nothing, become huge, overwhelm opponents so combat kill is easy. Then on top of that there are easy ways to first strike, deathtouch, trample and poison opponents very quickly. Along with stifling the opponents ability to attack back to outright wipe out an attackers board with a tap of a creature.

The control aspect via stax tactics can be so nasty. Hokori, Dust Drinker shuts down normal mana ability, Linvala, Keeper of Silence shuts down mana dorks and any other activated ability of opponents creatures, Karn, the Great Creator shuts down artifact activated abilities. Then Gaddock Teeg prevents non-creature spells of converted cost 4 or more to be cast, then tie this up with Brisela, Voice of Nightmares     and you force opponents to only play 4 cmc creatures only. And with previous creature superiority tactis stated, it's a no win for opponents.

Then there is the control with Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite of -2/-2 to all opponents creatures. Tie this is with Kamahl, Fist of Krosa and you can destroy all your opponents land.

Now the deck provides lots of protection with Hexproof, all permanents indestructible, and stop opponents doing anything - spells and abilities during your turn . Sideboard cards can bring in options to protect from sacrifice, constant hate of exiling all black creatures, and preventing opponents extra turns and other mechanics. I also can't express how much me having hexproof and can't be targeted has been such a saving grace.

Also with Gandalf the White allows you to play all legendary's at instant speed. Also I can't believe how reliable and constant Quest for Renewal is for untapping all your creatures during other players turns - yes including Captain Sisayfoil to again tutor an answer. With all creatures able to tap for mana, Gandalf the White is always ready to work :)

However... all things are not so easy, as you need to be aware of the weaknesses of this deck. IF Captain Sisayfoil is neutralised so she can't tutor, the game will take an interesting turn. Unable to tutor for the immediate answer can slow you down. Also Linvala, Keeper of Silence effects are very annoying but there are answers that are plenty. Drawing cards from the deck is very good, and you can draw into answers for example with uncounterable Boseiju, Who Endures and Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire, casting a creature and the Aura Shards trigger.

Overall the deck is very resilient. I tried to build it to answer the stupid advantages of blue with bounce and the ridiculous and bane of mine Cyclonic Rift. Also has answers to Omniscience type mechanics. Still working on other aspects like the ability to counter milling.

~Play Style~

The Deck deliberately has a sideboard so it can adapt to the casual/cEDH and meta of the playgroup. For example I play at a beginners style day, I transfer out Bruna, the Fading Light  , Gisela, the Broken Blade   and especially Hokori, Dust Drinker to spare beginners the horrors of the not so fun Stax theme.

If I find I need to use Gaddock Teeg - which I do love to use, then I usually substitute out all non-creature 4 drops or more ie Karn, the Great Creator, Akroma's Memorial, Urza's Ruinous Blast, The One Ring and replace with creatures, the delectable synergistic Horn of Gondor, and Agatha's Soul Cauldron. The only one I can never sideboard out is The Great Henge. This playstyle is centred more around modified creature tokens with all it's lovely shenanigans, and easily winning with Throne of the God-Pharaoh, and the unfortuante non-legendary Halo Fountain

Since a lot of games resort to loss of life through combat, this deck has some awesome tricks. Control with Mirri, Weatherlight Duelistfoil to ensure when attacked it's only but one manageable creature. Since I tap the creatures so much, a sneaky surprise is Masako the Humorless to block any time when creatures are tapped. This also triggers other nasty surprises with those tapped creatures all having death touch with one of my favourite cards Saryth, the Viper's Fang. And to top it off, Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile can board wipe attackers, with her auto 2 point damage with death touch to all attackers or blockers! The card I have included which is a general replacement for Akroma's Memorial is Odric, Lunarch Marshal - does the job, but admittedly I just haven't taken a shine to him, though he is both synergistic being a human and soldier - time will tell.

This deck is the ultimate tool-box that is, devastating in combat, stax, control, and virtually any possibility when including the sideboard in managing the chosen style needed depending on play group. Geared up to be a nasty 3 v 1 aggressive deck, to an easy going fun-fest with beginners in casual.

So this deck is designed to be versatile with unbelievable depth of intricacies, synergies and strategy. So while it has proven to be ultra-competitive, it adapts to play with the casual and beginners format easily, all while having FUN.


Those of you who follow this deck's progression will see that I am forever tinkering with it to try and move with the meta, times, new sets and fun. But I am trying to fully foil it out and I have made up my mind I do not like the Kaladesh Inventions.... though foil judge Gaea's Cradle is my HUGE stumbling block. Other cards that are not available in foil will be upgraded IF they are re-released as foil.

~Final Thoughts~

Just for posterity's sake; I double sleeve my deck with Ultimate Guard Precise Fit Sleeves - Side entry, and use Matte Green Dragon Shield protective sleeves.

And lastly. Thanks to 'PartyJ' and his Captain Sisayfoil deck of 'Sisay has the answers | * Hibernation * | Primer' for inspiration and discussion.


Updates Add

Have been constantly updating the deck, but just haven't been writing it here. Since the last update there has been MANY sets and cards released, new mechanics, new bannings, new meta beasts to deal with and in general, a lot has happened.

So I updated the Intro which does give a lot of update to where I am at. The deck has again become a powerhouse and is reliably winning from as early as turn 3-4, to sticking around and grounding down any strategy my opponents can throw at me. The deck has now strong multiple ways to play dependant on the opponents meta. From stax of shutting every aspect of their game down - land (destruction or untap), activated abilities of creatures and artifacts, combat with instant destruction of any attackers or blockers with first strike/deathtouch, constantly exiling all their non-legendary non-land permanents, their ability to counter anything in your turn, inability to target you and your permanents... It can be a real nightmare to play against this iteration of Sisay.

And I do have a permanent Side-board. I used to really have it primarily for shenanigans with Karn, the Great Creator last ability to bring in Mycosynth Lattice, Unwinding Clock and other tricks... especially multiple times with The Peregrine Dynamo, but I hardly used it - though when I did it was fun - briefly as it was an instant win/shut down.

Drawing cards has become a breeze with this setup. Of course Reki, the History of Kamigawa is a no brainer and even better with the amount of legends in this deck. The Great Henge is a no brainer, especially with how powerful creatures get its costs next to nothing - with a constant draw and +1/+1 counter generator its almost too good. Then the piece de resistance; The One Ring that just churns out draw... I'm never short of cards.

I'm really enjoying the interactions with Torens, Fist of the Angels that spews out human soldiers, and in turn Katilda, Dawnhart Prime makes them all mana dorks. It builds up so quickly that I am never short of any mana I need - not to mention that they make Gaea's Cradle even more monstrous. I'm also embracing the 'modified' aspect as +1/+1 counters are SOOO easy to put on all creatures - my favourite is the ridiculous Anduril, Narsil Reforged!!. With every attack you basically put 2 x +1/+1 counters on every creature - having 10 permanents is dead easy to get. Then Hamza, Guardian of Arashin becomes a game winning legend punching way above it's 'uncommon' and so cheap status. All creatures then are next to free to cast. And the fun continues with what I have found to be a MVP - Quest for Renewal where I untap all those mana dorks during other's turns - as well as Captain Sisayfoil herself - then with Gandalf the White I can cast virtually all the time.... and cards are never in short supply. Especially when Captain Sisayfoil can be untapped so many times not only in my turn, but also everyone else's turn - not only through; Quest for Renewal, but also another legendary star; Sting, the Glinting Dagger.

But I have to admit I do struggle with what to put in the main deck, as there are so many options. I tend to keep Sigarda, Host of Herons in the side-board as that is quite niche. But with the popularity of Eldrazi and annihilator again, it could be a permanent main deck position again.

One thing that I also focussed on was protection of myself and creatures through hexproof. The amount of times hexproof of me saved my deck, permanents and abilities that would have ended the game is unbelievable. Main source is Shalai, Voice of Plenty, but I am considering adding legends of Sigarda, Heron's Grace and possibly Teyo, the Shieldmage for redundancy - Just have to see how the meta progresses.

Combat and it's shenanigans are fun - Mirri, Weatherlight Duelistfoil is an absolute beast of a control card. But I do love the sly interactions with Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile and on of my favourite under-rated cards Saryth, the Viper's Fang - if the opponents are not paying attention they think Brigid will only do 2 points of damage to ALL attacking/blocking creatures, but as soon as I tap her, she gets Deathtouch and - board wipe of attacker/defenders :D . Also love another under-rated favourite of mine; Fynn, the Fangbearer and along with the synergy beast of Bow of Nylea becomes a destructive poisonous wincon! .... so yeah, with just 5 tutorable cards, combat is fun and damn powerful :)

Was so happy when a favourite but hard to get out reliably Grand Abolisher was replaced by Myrel, Shield of Argive. She is awesome as not only giving me free reign in my turn, but is a token generator - more mana dorks. She has given me options beyond Dragonlord Dromoka. Especially since I added my little cutie of Delighted Halfling and Cavern of Souls - though neither are legendary and can't be tutored easily. But I am enjoying Eladamri, Korvecdal as a way to cheat out any creature that is safe from countering.

Really enjoying this deck as I can play it ferociously as cEDH (or against those type of players that need a lesson ;) ) or be nice and casual with new players.


97% Casual


Revision 156 See all

(1 week ago)

+1 Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger side
Date added 7 years
Last updated 1 week
Exclude colors UBR

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

22 - 8 Mythic Rares

58 - 7 Rares

6 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.88
Tokens Citizen 1/1 GW, City's Blessing, Fanatic of Rhonas 4/4 B, Human Soldier 1/1 GW, Human Soldier 1/1 W, Monster, Royal, Soldier, Sorcerer, The Ring, The Ring Tempts You
Folders EDH, Decks to Reference, +1 Non-Budget, EDH
Ignored suggestions
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