Another successful outing at FNM! Took 3rd, the deck really played well tonight! here's how the games went:
Naya Slivers: First game was really close. He got Door of Destinies out, and it nearly killed me. A timely Doom Blade saved me, when I was able to swing in for 12 exactly with Blood Baron of Vizkopa and AEtherling. Second game wasn't so close, cancelled his Door of Destinies and took it from there. 2-0
BW Midrange: First game was good. A turn 5 Jace, Memory Adept against him was pretty much game. Game 2, I kept a iffy hand. Turn 5, I wanted to play an Obzedat, Ghost Council, but I suspected a Hero's Downfall in hand, so I didn't play him. Next turn, he Thoughtseize'd Obzedat, Ghost Council and I was screwed. Next game, he Thoughtseize'd Blood Baron of Vizkopa, but a good solid beating from Mutavault and Omenspeaker got him low on life, and Obzedat, Ghost Council took him down. 2-1
RDW: This was a close 3 games. First game, I took a lot of damage, but I managed to pull out a win. Next game, it was ridiculous, he played at least 6 creatures in 4 turns, (Damn you Burning-Tree Emissary!) and I was stuck on 2 lands. Third game, he got me down to 1 life, and I cleared his field. Next turn, top decked Obzedat, Ghost Council, and he took it from there. 2-1
Esper Devotion: Dear lord. I never knew Abhorrent Overlord would end up killing me, but it did. Man, it was insane. Totally got destroyed. 0-2
R/W Midrange: Game 1, he emptied his hand to kill my Blood Baron of Vizkopa, then brought it back to my hand. He took it form there. Next game was very lengthy, but I ended taking it with AEtherling.
Anyway, so that was my 4-1 performance that earned 3rd! Thanks for the help!