Caution: Flawless execution required to opperate this deck. Be advised.
The point of this deck is to control early and burn late. Knowing when to switch from control to burn is very important and will determine your fate if you make a single bad decision. This deck requires extreme precision and flawless execution. Those of you who dare to take the challenge, beware.
4x Anger of the Gods - This seems like a lot, but is used to reset the board state against aggro decks. This card is also easily side-able for more End Hostilities or what-have-you. If you open with this card, do not bother trying to control with your burn spells, just hitt'em in the dome, then drop this on turn 3.
1x Crater's Claws - Most cards in this deck greatly benefit from Dictate of the Twin Gods. As it stands by itself, this is a great finishing card. With Dictate, this card turns into "I win".
4x Deflecting Palm - With Dictate, this card does quadruple damage... QUADRUPLE DAMAGE. Yes, please attack me with Polukranos.
3x Dictate of the Twin Gods - If I was an alcoholic, this would be my drinking buddy/ enabler.
2x End Hostilities - For those pesky mid-range decks.
4x Jeskai Charm - You will be primarily using this to burn for 4 damage. If your using the first effect, you have probably already lost.
4x Stoke the Flames - 4 damage to the face on turn 4, or 8 damage on turn 6 with Dictate.
2x Treasure Cruise - All of those tasty burns spells just sitting in your grave just waiting to be turned into treasure.
2x Dig Through Time - Same deal as Treasure Cruise except with more draw diversity.
1x Narset, Enlightened Master - This is another win-con. The card speaks for itself.
4x Lightning Strike - Staple
4x Magma Jet - Staple
Note: Most of this stuff is done during your opponents turn. You are going to leave land open and pass most of the time. I just don't want to have to say that on each turn step. Note that this is just a single possibility, not necessarily the best scenario. If you don't start with Anger or End Hostilities in your opening hand, burn spells can be used for spot removal for the first few turns.
Turn 1. Drop that temple and scry
Turn 2. Burn with Magma Jet and scry 2
Turn 3. Burn 4 more with Jeskai Charm or drop Anger to reset the board state against aggro.
Turn 4. Drop Stoke, Jeskai Charm, Lightning Strike, Magma Jet, Whatever fits.
Turn 5. Leave 5 Lands open. At the end of their turn, flash in Dictate. On your Turn hit them for double burn damage and leave 2 mana open for Deflecting Palm. GG.