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Controlled by Demon Sac

Standard Control UB (Dimir)




Land (1)

With the introduction of Theros, I found myself needing a new standard deck for FNM, and after some thought, decided on Dimir Control. No milling though, just some good ol' fashioned evasive beatsticks.

Pretty standard control base for U/B, Far / Away is incredible, as is the ever-versatile Dimir Charm. Doom Blade , Ultimate Price and Devour Flesh and Hero's Downfall (for 'walkers!) round out my removal, with Syncopate and Dissolve catching things on the way in.

Desecration Demon keeps their board in check unless they want 6/6 flyer around, and AEtherling bails me out of games I have no right winning. Still not sure how much I like Omenspeaker , but time will tell.

Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver does a great job of disrupting enemy plans, especially versus opponents who like to scry and set up 3 draws down the road. Worst comes to worst, she can mill the enemy out 3 at a time. More likely I just exile and cast the enemy's best beatstick and show them how it's done.

Jace, Architect of Thought helps with aggro, as well as card draw. You know, the usual.

Read the Bones gives me a great early draw, and I can always cast Opportunity down the road (at instant speed, no less) for more cards.

Lands are pretty self-explanatory, I do love me some Mutavault for the control matchup, especially vs U/W.

Sideboard is pretty normal, I would think. Ratchet Bomb pops tokens, small aggro duders, Detention Sphere as long as I'm careful and don't accidentally blow up my own Planeswalkers.

Pithing Needle literally sticks it to enemy PWs, guildmages, and the powerhouse that is Triad of the Fates. (Mostly) Kidding, kidding.

Negate and Essence Scatter come in versus their favored prey, along with extra removal if I'm truly getting overrun,

Finally, Woodlot Crawler comes in versus anything running green of any sort, usually replacing Omenspeakers, Dimir Charm, or Opportunity.Let me know what you guys think should change, if anything. Still have a couple of cards to get my hands on, but I've been having a blast with proxies.

FNM records:1-2-13-1


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So I missed a couple of FNM write-ups, don't sue me.

Went to LGS for FNM, ended up doing quite a bit of trading, and FINALLY got a total of 3 Thoughtseize to replace my Dimir Charm. RIP charm, you're actually pretty cool.

Round 1: Mono Black Game one went smoothly, Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver did an excellent job of depriving my opponent of lands, and removal saw me through. Game 2 was just disgusting. I had to mulligan to 6 cards, but ended up with 2 Dissolve in hand, as well as 3 lands. Opponent and I exchanged Duress, and then I just countered everything he played, drawing into my 3rd and 4th Dissolves as well as a Syncopate. 1-0 (2-0)

Round 2: R/G Devotion/Monsters Not much to say here, just flat out got run over. Sideboard cards failed to make an appearance, and Stormbreath Dragon is a lot scarier when I'm not sitting with a Doom Blade in hand. 1-1 (2-2)

Round 3: Mono Black This opponent was more experienced with this deck, and for whatever reason, I always seem to get shit draws against this guy. Game one actually went very well, with me stealing a Pack Rat courtesy of Ashiok, and just beating face with a Demon. Round 2 was close, but my opponent edged me out with a timely Gray Merchant of Asphodel for 8. Game 3 was very frustrating, with me not drawing my second blue source until turn 7 or 8, at which point it was unsalvageable. 1-2 (3-4)

Round 4: R/W/B Tokens/Burn Played against this cool midrangey/combo deck based around tokens, Young Pyromancer, Assemble the Legion, Purphoros, God of the Forge with a splash of black for removal. Game one saw me steal two Pyromancers with Ashiok while swinging away with a Desecration Demon, I think I got more tokens this game than he did. Game two was a little better, but my singleton Duskmantle Seer along with an Aetherling closed it out. Funnily enough, we both took 7 damage off the Seer. I ate a Far / Away and a Devour Flesh while my opponent got smacked around by his Magma Jet and an Obzedat, Ghost Council. 2-2 (5-4)

Round 5: G/W Anti-Control Game one led me to believe I was playing a more aggressive G/W list, with Fleecemane Lion making several appearances. I noticed something was up when Spear of Heliod showed up, but my AEtherling beat my opponent down and blinked out of the trigger. Game two saw me get locked down by the combination of Spear of Heliod, Blind Obedience and Bow of Nylea. My enemy simply gained life, ate anything I could hit him with and then killed it with the spear. Aetherling was rendered impotent by Blind Obedience, so I scooped to give more time to game 3. This game saw me get wrecked once again by my own mana, with Selesnya Charm getting the assist. My opponent cast all 3 modes in the final game, to great effect. 2-3 (6-6)

Wasn't 100% happy with my piloting, I know I made at least 2 errors. Had my first experience getting flooded with black mana, twice in the same evening, and it was very unpleasant. I'm considering changing some basic lands to Dimir Guildgates. The changes I made before FNM were:

Main: -3 Doom Blade -1 Dimir Charm +1 Devour Flesh +1 Desecration Demon +1 Duskmantle Seer +1 Thoughtseize

Side changed drastically: -3 Nightveil Specter -2 Negate -1 Desecration Demon +2 Doom Blade +2 Dark Betrayal +2 Gainsay

After playing, I like Duskmantle, but definitely not main, and probably not in this exact shell. Too many high CMC things for me to hurt myself with. 3rd Demon main is the right number, and with all the black decks at my local shop, moving the Doom Blades was the right call. Last week someone pointed out that I was heavily slanting my sideboard against Esper control, so I attempted to balance it out a little. I think I used everything in the board this time, so that's good. After the event was over, I traded for a 3rd Thoughtseize, replacing my promo Dimir Charm and "completing" the deck. For now. :D

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 4 Rares

9 - 4 Uncommons

12 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.31
Folders Ashiok, Interesting Builds, hmm
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