Simply going to abuse the effect of Psychic Surgery as much as possible.
Board wipe effects and few bashers.
Lot of control.
Start of Game ->
Chancellor of the Spires
mills 7 cards.Turn 1 -> Pay 2 life to see opponent's hand. (Gitaxian Probe)
Turn 1 -> Ponder to make sure you can play most optimal
Turn 2 -> Drop Psychic Surgery
Turn 3 -> Praetor's Grasp to get a land if needed (hence the low land-ratio) or stay with lands free to Mana Leak
Turn 4 -> Solemn Simulacrum
Turn 5 -> can use Life's Finale to sweep if needed
Turn 6 ->
Chancellor of the Spires
can be dropped to start bashing
How this deck is played depends largely on what your opponents deck is based on.This deck can take down most combo decks as Surgical Extraction takes key-cards.This deck has VERY few threats as the aim is to eliminate all of your opponents threats and maybe use his strong threats against him.
If playing aggro, play safe and threaten with being able to Mana Leak every turn. make sure you get to board sweeping.
Psychic Surgery triggers on:Life's Finale, Surgical Extraction, Memoricide and Praetor's Grasp
And their fetches if any appears. Make sure to use this against them if they search for anything!
Once you have control, this deck does not let them draw anything but land-drops.
The deck atm has issues with having too little draw - I am working on the issue.
Think Twice
and Forbidden Alchemy are obvious choices to include, but I need to figure what to not have included in my deck.
Tower Geist
Dungeon Geists
may be included as "free" bashers. When you know they top-draw a creature and then a land. Then if they drop the creature you can put in
Dungeon Geists
and with no concerns as you know they will get a land and no a remove-spell. Then you need to trigger the Psychic Surgery again and start bashing.