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Crats tokens and all her little friends

Standard BGW (Abzan, Junk)



Junk hybrid aristocrats/tokens build I plan to run for the rest of this summer standard. A fusion of two good deck archetypes to compensate for the lack of Voice of Resurgence, killer of wallets everywhere!

Designed as a midrange token build that takes advantage of Skirsdag High Priest/Cartel Aristocrat/Trostani, Selesnya's Voice for gradual value and threat generation. Aristocrat is a cheap bear that grants me favorable combat situations, dodges removal, and turns on morbid.

With the abundance of token producers around, aristocrat always has something to feed on. Trostani gives me sustain against faster aggro decks and fellow midrange decks, gaining me 5 life per wurm or demon token I populate.

Helpful thoughts, comments, and +1's are always appreciated. Thanks!


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Went 2-1-1 overall. Didn't do too shabby, but the last two rounds I was tired and made too many misplays.

Game 1: vs. G/B midrange, 2-0

His deck was more of a mono-black build splashing green for Golgari Keyrune and Deathrite Shaman. Game 1 I had a slow start, and his Vampire Nighthawk and Deathrite Shaman got me down to 1 life, but there was nothing in his graveyard for the deathrite to exile to kill me. I eventually stabilized with Sorin, Lord of Innistrad and two Intangible Virtue, and the 3/3 lifelinking vampire tokens carried out of the red and won the game.

Game two was more in my favor. A combination of planeswalkers and aristocrats, buffed with double Sorin emblems won me the game.

Game 2: vs. U/W control, 2-0

Game one we were both really mana flooded, and I basically won just be swinging with Avacyn's Pilgrim and Cartel Aristocrat..

Game two I sided in all my control hate (I find I do pretty well vs. control). A T2 Sin Collector got rid of his Dissipate, but I saw a Detention Sphere and an Oblivion Ring. He O-rings my collector, I play Sorin, he det sphere's Sorin, I played Liliana of the Veil and he O-ring'd that too. Lol. I eventually landed Garruk Relentless  Flip but at that point he was out of removal, and I just pumped out wolf tokens. He also landed a Gideon, Champion of Justice, but that really didn't do much as he couldn't get through my wolf tokens. I eventually won through aristocrat and spirit token damage.

Game 3: vs. Selesnya Humans 1-1-1

Game one he got down an early Knight of Glory soulbonded with Silverblade Paladin, buffed with Mayor of Avabruck  Flip. That alone was enough to do me in, as all I had were aristocrats to block.

Game two dragged on for awhile. He dropped a T1 Champion of the Parish which I Tragic Slip'd. He got down another champion, soulbonded with a silverblade, and swung at me, to which I responded by Abrupt Decay'ing his silverblade. From there, he played Avacyn's Pilgrims, Nearheath Pilgrim, 2x Mayor of Avabruck  Flip, and Loxodon Smiter, growing his champion up to eventually be a 7/7. But by that time I had two aristocrats, a wurm token, trostani, spirit tokens, and a Blood Baron of Vizkopa on my side of the board. We played draw go for a few turns, getting wolf tokens from his mayors. But he couldn't win an attrition war, with my populated wurm tokens. With the ground all cluttered up, my spirit tokens eventually got him down to 0.

Game three we tied due to time, but honestly he would have won. I kept a bad hand, with five lands, a putrefy, and a tragic slip. I really should have mulliganed that game, as I kept drawing lands.

Game 4: vs. Naya midrange

Not much to say for game one. Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip is such a good source of advantage, he bashed through all my little guys and overwhelmed me. It also didn't help that I was land screwed (as opposed to land flooded in the last game).

Game two was better. He still had his huntmasters, but a combination of planeswalker advantage, Sorin emblems, spirit tokens, and Advent of the Wurm won it for me.

Game three I think I made the most misplays. Mully'd down to 6 (the right call, as it turned out), but I didn't hit a black source until later into the game. Which was unfortunate, since I eventually accumulated three Lingering Souls in my 'yard, two Tragic Slip's, and an Abrupt Decay. I eventually got that swamp, but by then it was too late.


Revision 5 See all

(11 years ago)

+1 Advent of the Wurm main
-1 Arbor Elf main
Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 2 Mythic Rares

24 - 5 Rares

15 - 8 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.31
Tokens Demon 5/5 B, Emblem Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, Human 2/2 G, Spirit 1/1 W, Vampire 1/1 B w/ Lifelink, Wolf 1/1 B, Wolf 2/2 G, Wurm 5/5 G w/ Trample
Folders Want , junk, Other Players, SOM-M12-ISD std
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