Note: Cards in this list are ones I've considered but at present have decided to not include in the deck. I may revisit these cards later. A card in here can make it to the main deck if the reason for not playing it is fallacious.
Belligerent Brontodon: This creatures simply isn’t as good of a curve topper as the Tyrant.
Bellowing Aegisaur: This creature costs too much to be of use here, and I don’t have enough ways to trigger enrage to make it worthwhile.
Blossoming Defense: An anti-control card, it was either this or Heroic Intervention, and I think an anti-control that's also anti-wrath is better to have.
Burning Sun's Avatar: While I think this card is good, I went with the Tyrant as the top of the curve.
Channeler Initiate: This card was one considered alongside Servant of the Conduit, Naga Vitalist, and Drover of the Mighty. I went with the Drover because the color fixing doesn't run out.
Commune with Dinosaurs: A good card to help fix mana with or to find creatures, but Attune with Aether is more helpful here.
Dinosaur Stampede: While the flavor of this I on point, I simply don’t have space for this card.
Gishath, Sun's Avatar: This is not a ramp deck, so I don’t really have the ability to reliably cast him.
Goring Ceratops: This seems to me to be a win more card.
Grazing Whiptail: Even though it has Reach, I’m not impressed with the stats. Ripjaw Raptor is much better than this card.
Harnessed Lightning: I originally had this in the deck over Abrade, so if that card isn't working out, I'll go back to this one.
Hour of Devastation: I do want a sweeper in the sideboard since I have access to and . I ultimately chose Fumigate because it deals with more creatures in the format.
Huatli's Snubhorn: If I need to shore up this deck against aggro, this could see play, otherwise, it’s not too impressive.
Ixalan's Binding: It was either this card or Cast Out, and even though this card is Oblivion Ring + Nevermore, I’d rather have the instant speed of Cast Out.
Lightning Strike: On my short list of cards that can make this deck. Might take the place of Abrade if artifacts aren’t heavily in use when rotation happens.
Magma Spray: Might come back in if recurring creatures are problematic.
Manalith: Too slow to be effective against faster match-ups.
Naga Vitalist: Can ramp and fix for any color our lands can produce. When combined with Aether Hub, we can fix for all colors. This card lost out to Drover of the Mighty, since it also can fix for any color, and synergizes better with the dinosaurs in the deck.
Otepec Huntmaster: It does make my dinosaurs easier to cast and grant’s haste, but I can cast my dinos easlity enough without him, and the small body isn’t going to be winning any fights.
Pillar of Origins: This is only good for fixing our dinosaur creatures, so the remaining spells could still be stranded in out hand.
Priest of the Wakening Sun: Another possible inclusion if aggro is popular, but otherwise isn’t too impressive.
Prowling Serpopard: An uncounterable card that could come back if control is a big thing.
Raging Swordtooth: It passes the vanilla test, but isn’t better than Regisaur Alpha after a boardwipe.
Ranging Raptors: A possible 3 drop if I need more fixing, but is otherwise inferior to the 3 drops currently in the deck.
Raptor Hatchling: Can trade with some other 2 drops and will usually create a 3/3 before it dies. That sounds good, but after turn 3, this deck wants to be hitting hard, and a 1/1 that might never become a 3/3 isn’t super helpful.
Ravenous Daggertooth: It’s okay but not great, while it does trade well and gain life, it’s not all that exciting.
Savage Stomp: A good card for the deck, but I’d rather have the versatility of Abrade/Cast Out over this card.
Servant of the Conduit: This card was one considered alongside Channeler Initiate, Naga Vitalist, and Drover of the Mighty. I went with the Drover because the color fixing doesn't run out. Also, when I cut the Harnessed Lightnings for Abrades, the energy package looked a bit thin.
Sentinel Totem: If graveyard abuse runs rampant, this will see play in the sideboard.
Settle the Wreckage: Good against aggro, but I’m not sure if it’s really needed, as ramping them can put us at a sever disadvantage.
Shapers' Sanctuary: Good against control, but I’m not sure if it’s needed.
Shock: Could go back in if I need more spot removal for small creatures.
Snapping Sailback: This creature has the potential to be very good. There are times where you can play this to ambush an opponent's creature and make it a 5/5. I imagine this would be good against control, playing it on their end step to either force their counter or get a 4/4 onto the battlefield. This would also be pretty good as a creature against Ramunap Red, as it can flash in to block after their shenanigans are done.
Star of Extinction: This pretty much destroys everything, but is too expensive to be cast before I would be dead in the cases where I need it.
Sun-Crowned Hunters: This card competes with the Tyrant, and isn’t better.
Sweltering Suns: I'm not sure if this is better than Fumigate in this deck. The 3 damage keeps my top end safe, but I'm not sure it's enough if the format goes large.
Terror of the Skies: Flying and menace on a 2/2 for 2 seems great, but is too inconsistent on turn 2, and if I'm going to play a creature on turn 3, I'd rather play Kinjalli's Sunwing.
Thundering Spineback: This card would be good in an attrition based game, but is too expensive for this deck.
Traveler's Amulet: Ultimately, this card is worse than Attune with Aether.
Uncage the Menagerie: I thought this might be a good restock card after a board wipe, but it might be too narrow.
Unclaimed Territory: I tried including this card, but I found that the mana base didn't get better with this card over Aether Hub. The fact that it hindered the ability of this deck to play its non-creature cards made me go for the Hub.
Vanquisher's Banner: This card comes in too late.
Verdant Sun's Avatar: It’s pretty solid, but unless I’m regularly hurting for life, this isn’t going to make the deck.
Wakening Sun's Avatar: An anti-dino boardwipe is great, especially with those stats, but seven mana and is a bit too steep for this deck.