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Damn Rakdos, Been Juicin'? *Primer*

Commander / EDH BR (Rakdos) Exile Persist Primer Sacrifice


I saw this commander spoiled in the Thunder Junction set and I fell in love almost immediately. I personally feel like this is the strongest Rakdos commander they have released into the game compared to all the other Rakdos's. If you want to be hated at the table, and be a huge threat for a majority of the game, this is the deck for you.


Rakdos himself is a sac outlet, and has the ability to sac ANOTHER creature once a turn. The important thing here is that

A. You can only do this once a turn preferably on an opponents endstep. B. Tapping Rakdos isn't part of the cost of being able to sac a creature, the only cost is saccing the creature. So even if Rakdos is tapped, as long as it hasn't been activated for the turn you can still sac a creature and make him indestructible. This makes him a very hard commander to remove from the table.

With that out of the way lets get into the game plan.



The early game is actually pretty easy going. With cards like Patron of the Arts, Shambling Ghast, Plundering Barbarian, Arcane Signet, and Sol Ring you ramp into Rakdos as soon as possible. Rakdos being a 5 cost commander you can get him out really easily and can sometimes do it as little as turn 3. With him out on the board so soon, he's nearly impossible to remove because you can just sac a creature to whatever your opponent is doing on their turns and say no. While also simultaneously generating value off their cards.




During the mid game, you are assessing which decks might be more valuable to steal from, while also protecting your own board. With things like Murder, Hero's Downfall, and Go for the Throat you remove any creatures that might threaten you early, and at the same time you are looking for juicy creatures to sac. Another thing to bare in mind here is that Rakdos goes off WHENEVER a creature you control is sac'd. So things like Phyrexian Altar, Ashnod's Altar and Viscera Seer are bangers here. Rakdos can only do it once a turn, so having extra failsafes here is nice. Also with things like Blasphemous Act where it isn't one sided, Rakdos can protect himself by saccing. While all this is going on you are looking for high CMC creatures you can cheat out like Gurmag Angler, Mournwhelk, and Cavern-Hoard Dragon.



After you have all your pieces you become almost unstoppable. With cards like Pitiless Plunderer, and Midnight Reaper you can really crank out some bs with this deck. Play a Sheoldred, Whispering One and recur all your creatures. Play Living Death and get multiple triggers off Rakdos and steal everyone else's cards while bringing your board back. I could go on and on. This deck usually ends up winning in spectacular fashion and I love it so much. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated ty :).


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99% Casual


Date added 11 months
Last updated 10 months

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.76
Tokens Copy Clone, Shapeshifter 3/2 C, Treasure
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