
Creature (1)

Tinybones, Trinket Thief is the discard commander for MonoBlack that I have been waiting for. He does the two things you want.

  1. He draws cards while making your friends discard all of theirs

  2. He actually kills everyone when you are all locked out of ever drawing a card again

Bonus Item: His art is super sweet so at least your friends have a cute skeleton to look at while they slowly plan your inevitable demise.

This deck is a MonoBlack control deck that works to keep you alive and the board clear while you work on assembling one of your many discard combos. The enchantments that cause discard are meant to get you deeper into your deck while getting those other mages to discard all of their counters and interaction. During the times of control your goal is to set up a mana engine, because the majority of the big turns will require upwards of at least 20 mana to pull off, which is why you have of the big black mana combos (will be testing the deck and looking at things like doubling cube as I progress with the deck).

With all of that said the major part of this deck is that you want to resolve a Peer into the Abyss. Yes you can slowly burn them out with chip discard and make them sad, but this 7 mana sorcery is where you want to end with this deck. It is not the most competitive but with this card you will draw half of your deck and most likely win the the game right here. The keys are Psychosis Crawler which probably wins when you draw 35-40 cards and just kills them there, but if you don't have the magical xmas land play then you can get more tricky. Now remember you have half of your deck so you probably have a tutor or these cards in hand at this point (I might add more tutors as I work on this deck).

You have half your deck (Probably 30 cards or more)

1.Skirge Familiar make a bunch of mana and pop one of the everyone discard cards and you can used the extra mana not used for that to burn for probably 20-30 with your commander.

2.Bone Miser + Volrath's Dungeon This will empty the hands and you will net some more mana from lands you discard which with the draw for the nonlands will probably leave you with enough mana to commander burn out the table also.

  1. Skirge Familiar + Faith of the Devoted so you discard and get the mana to activate the next discard. You should be able to clean it up with this one too.

  2. If you find you can not actually kill them after this then drop a Possessed Portal and keep them off of cards and kill them over a few turns. Sure it is painful but you do not play a cute skeleton commander to make friends.

  3. Sure there are more but if I listed them all you would never play the deck to test them out.

This is a MonoBlack control deck made the way that only black can control, by making sure the artifacts and enchantments never hit the table.

I am currently working on this list so if I missed anything sweet just let me know I look forward to the eye rolls from my friends when I play this but I enjoy the comments from you guys on tapped out.


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99% Competitive

Revision 3 See all

(4 years ago)

+1 Mindcrank main
-1 Swamp main
Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.38
Tokens Emblem Liliana, Waker of the Dead, On an Adventure, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders cEDH decks
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