After becoming intrigued with the mechanic and being inspired by cracking some pieces at prerelease, I decided it was time to get into standard, and why not with one of the most awesome and flavorful archetypes: G/B Delerium. The sideboard is very generic any the moment, and I'm planning on fine tuning it over time. Without further ado, let's get into the deck!
Deathcap Cultivator: An awesome card, providing ramp and fixing in the early game, and a formidable body to clog up the ground once delerium is enabled.
Grim Flayer: Despite Wizard's eye-roll inducing decision to have this guy be a mythic ($10, are you serious?), he is quite the all star in this deck. Under costed body, great delerium enabler, this guy does it all. Great 4 of, and one of the best EMN editions to the deck.
Mindwrack Demon: Do I even have to explain? Under costed huge beater, can beat unflipped Archangel Avacyn, is out of Languish range,and we're almost guaranteed to have delerium by turn 4.
Obsessive Skinner: Great piece of tech, almost everything in the deck benefits from him, turning Mindwrack Demon into and even bigger threat as the turns go by, keeps Grim Flayer relevant in combat through the late game, etc. Very solid card.
Tireless Tracker: While there are small synergies between her and things like Ulvenwald Hydra, she's really there for her individual value; card draw along with a progressively bigger creature. The deck was a bit lacking in the draw front, and she fills those shoes nicely.
Ulvenwald Hydra: Great finisher to follow up Mindwrack Demon. Thanks to TheWitchD0kta, I was convinced to opt for him over The Gitrog Monster because of his effectiveness against Archangel Avacyn.
Ob Nixilis Reignited: Nice walker and great way to fill out the 5 slot in our curve. While his abilities don't exactly synergize with the rest of the deck, they're powerful enough to merit him a spot in the build. Plus, another card type for easier delerium.
Grapple with the Past:This card can get you anywhere from halfway to 3/4 of the way to delerium. The ability to grab a land as well as a creature is nice, and it's overall and awesome card.
Splendid Reclamation: A new addition to help out Ulvenwald Hydra. I'll test this card out to see how well it works, but it looks to have potential.
Ultimate Price: Good spot removal, adds to the rather light load of instants in this deck, and never totally dead in hand. Nice to mainboard 1, swap it out or more in depending on the matchup.
Traverse the Ulvenwald: A 1 mana creature tutor, I like the sound of that! It grabs a Sylvan Advocate when you need one, as well as an Ulvenwald Hydra, Mindwrack Demon, etc.
Whispers of Emrakul: Standard Hymn to Tourach? Yes please! Having a staple legacy card in a standard deck is something to smile about, and a beautiful payoff to playing delerium.
Sinister Concoction: It's like this card was made for this deck. If you get lucky, you're 3/4 of the way to delerium as a "bonus" to taking out a pesky Avacyn! I love it.
Vessel of Nascency: I find this to be superior to Autumnal Gloom
, and although they serve different roles, players often choose one or the other. It can enable delirium all by itself, and is overall great.
Anyways, thanks for taking a look at my deck! Feedback is greatly appreciated. I hope the archetype starts to see more play in the future.