This deck is all about counters with a very strong Golgari theme if not card base.
Basically everything feeds me more counters.
Scourge of Skola Vale
+ Death's Presence + Corpsejack Menace leads to a massive amount of counters whenever something dies. Then Varolz, the Scar-Striped gives everything scavenge. Not particularly useful for Hydras, save Polukranos, World Eater.
Garruk, Caller of Beasts is in here to help me find the heavy hitters like the Giant Adephage and Worldspine Wurm.
To counter any potential wastage of counters to something like
Sea God's Revenge
we have Bioshift, which incidentally triggers Corpsejack Menace's ability doubling counters shifted! Basically this deck is all about pumping up one or two creatures to overwhelm my opponents.
-----Potential Improvements-----
I think I could do with a Nylea, God of the Hunt to give everything trample and possibly a Karametra, God of Harvests for that bit of extra ramp. Input..? Worth it or not..?
I was considering running a
Skarrg Goliath
or two for the reason stated below, not sure what to take out or if it would be worth it. Input..?
One potential problem for this deck could be burn/exile decks as they pose a threat to my mana rampers,
Mystic elf
, Sylvan Caryatid & Karametra's Acolyte.
I've tried to keep my sideboard practical, Archetype of Endurance are there to protect from burning my creatures away.
Aspect of the hydra
may work out if the devotion tends to be high, cheap power boost, what more can you ask of a one drop than to boost a card by between +3/+3 and +10/+10?
I've kept multiples of Bioshift,
Deadbridge Goliath
and Forced Adaptation to boost anti-counter-nullification, scavenge & counter generation respectively.
Keeping another
Boon Satyr
aside for a devotion boost low down, just in case of burning scenario.
Worldspine Wurm, Corpsejack Menace & Death's Presence are there in case of their counterparts becoming elusive mid-tournament.
Skarrg Goliath
is just a nice emergency card late game if I find it tough to finish matches. Go all out with 7 creatures, for arguments sake, Opponents prioritize the bigger creatures over a small
Mystic elf
. Bloodrush
Skarrg Goliath
Mystic elf
and they take 10 surprise damage. Or alternatively same onto Worldspine Wurm to draw attention to a massive trampler that will most likely still finish the game in the same scenario, it's hard to stop a 26/26 wurm being a 1/1 human isn't it?