Akiri art

Diana, Artifact-Slinger

Deck Tech and Flavor Story


Greetings, heroes! This is my submission for the Dragon Shield Deck Challenge: Wonder Woman. I had a lot of fun with this; I'm not familiar with a lot of DC lore outside of Batman, so it was fun to learn more about Diana's background. That said, I'm by no means a Wonder Woman or DC expert, so please forgive any lore mistakes I make with this description or the deck. That said, let's get into the list!

The Commander: Akiri, Line-Slinger

Akiri may not look like much at first, but she's got a ton of flavor. Her art and flavor text feature ropes, which fulfills our need for a magic lasso. Plus, every artifact we have on the field makes her stronger, mirroring how Diana gets more and more deadly with more access to deadly weapons. She's cheap to cast, aggressive, and in the exact color combination that I wanted. Siona, Captain of the Pyleas may seem like the more obvious pick, but Diana doesn't strike me as particularly green. She loves her home, Themyscira, sure, but I think her fiery passion for bringing evil-doers to justice outweighs that by a lot. She could have chosen to stay home, but instead, she decided to leave and help the human world, an act that some (like her mother, Hippolyta) would call reckless. That sounds pretty red to me!

Deck Tactics

This is a flexible Voltron deck that has the potential to go wide with artifact creatures and tokens if it needs to. We've got a ton of equipment to stick on Akiri, but she gets stronger even if they aren't equipped to her. This means we can move the weapons around to suit the situation, and even if Akiri dies too many times, we've got some other great wielders of her godlike gear. The power level of the deck is probably somewhere in the middle; it's not super competitive but it should at least hold its own against most precons.

Lore and Mythical Origins

I wanted to highlight Diana's origins in Greek myth, so these choice artifacts and god-themed cards seemed appropriate:

  • Tome of Legends is a callback to her beginnings as a comic book character (for what is a comic if not a legendary tome?) as well as some much-needed draw in our Boros colors. We're planning on playing and attacking with our commander very often, so we should easily rack up a lot of page counters.
  • Clay Statue and Guardian Idol up our artifact count and represent how Diana was created first as a clay figurine and then given life by the gods. They don't have amazing stats, but they're pretty resilient to removal, so they can stick around to pump up Akiri for a while and pick up equipment in a pinch.
  • Great Furnace and Darksteel Citadel represent how Diana's weapons were forged and the Justice League Watchtower respectively, and they're also artifacts.
  • Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded is our Hephaestus, the god who forged Zeus's thunderbolts as well as Diana's gear. He's a giant, indestructible beater who gives all our other creatures haste, and he can sneak any of our artifacts into play, making him a perfect inclusion. We don't have many red mana symbols in the deck to reach his devotion threshold, but it may happen if we get lucky.
  • Lastly, Gate to the Afterlife and Wrath of God are more signs of Diana's immortal, god-like power. Wrath is a staple board wipe that won't kill any of the indestructible gods in the deck, and the Gate is purely a draw engine since we're not running God-Pharaoh's Gift (a zombie token graveyard card is totally outside the deck's flavor).

Family Ties

  • Steve Trevor, Diana's love interest and catalyst for her superheroine adventures, comes to Themyscira from the outside world after crashing his plane on the island. Gerrard Capashen fits the bill of human soldier nicely, and he can tap our opponents' blockers to ensure that Akiri can get through for damage. It's also nice to have some life gain in an aggressive deck so we don't die to an opponent's retaliation. Pilgrim's Eye and Sea Gate Wreckage symbolize the plane crash and can prevent us from getting mana screwed or running out of cards to play.
  • Linden, the Steadfast Queen serves as Diana's mother, Queen Hippolyta, and can further defend and buffer our life total.
  • Jeska, Warrior Adept is Diana's daughter Lyta, also known as the superheroine Fury. She's a first-striker like her mother and can ping down any small creatures that our opponents refuse to block with.
  • Cathartic Reunion is a decent draw spell in our colors and signifies the real Diana Prince (from whom Wonder Woman gets her alter ego) returning from South America to take her identity back.

Alter Ego

Diana has held a few other roles besides Wonder Woman over the decades, so here are a few cards representing each of those:

  • Frontline Medic, Angelic Field Marshal, and Bounty Agent represent her stints as a military nurse, major, and agent for the United Nations. Each provide the deck with some utility and power: the Medic makes all our attacks much harder to deal with, the Marshall can buff our entire board, and the Agent can take out any unprotected commanders on the field.
  • Glasses of Urza and Infiltration Lens are cheap artifacts that represent the glasses that Wonder Woman wears as Diana Prince, and they give us some more information to work with in the form of cards and knowledge of our opponents' hands.
  • Path of Mettle   is a mini board wipe that's unlikely to hit our team, representing Diana's growth and change over the many years and battles, and it should be easy for us to transform it into Metzali, Tower of Triumph.

Amazonian Arsenal

Wonder Woman needs an awesome arsenal of weapons, powers, and tactics to take on all manner of villains and evil gods, and many of these cards will serve as the bulk of our Voltron package for her to do so. For this part of the deck, I mainly looked for flavorful ways to increase Akiri's damage, give her haste or trample, protect her, and draw cards.

  • Diana's most iconic gear are her sword, shield, tiara, bracelets, and magic lasso. The three Kaldra pieces represent the Sword of Hephaestus, Royal Tiara of Themyscira, and her shield. Each are formidable equipment on their own and make Akiri a lot harder to deal with. The Golem-Skin Gauntlets represent the Gauntlet of Atlas and further increase Akiri's damage output, and the Sandals of Hermes are here in the form of Fleetfeather Sandals. To represent the Lasso of Truth, we're running Ixalan's Binding and Shackles as ways to deal with big threats. The Spear of Heliod pumps up our whole army and discourages anyone from attacking us, and it's suitably god-themed. And the Armory of Iroas is another cheap equipment that can build up any creature's strength over time.
  • To represent Wonder Woman's incredible strength, speed, and daring, we're running Gift of Immortality, Justice Strike, and Messenger's Speed. Her Invisible Jet, another iconic tool, flies into the deck in the form of the evasive Smuggler's Copter as well.
  • In the Blackest Night story, Diana was killed and resurrected as a Black Lantern and later obtained a Violet Power Ring to join the Star Sapphires. Her rings and Star Sapphire status are signified by Sol Ring, the Ring of Valkas, Star Compass, and the Talisman of Conviction.
  • Diana is always looking for a way to end a conflict without unnecessary suffering and death, though, so we're running Truce and Temporary Truce as ways to give the whole table some extra cards. Subjugator Angel, too, is a reminder of Wonder Woman's strength and mercy, acting as a pseudo board wipe for a turn that doesn't actually kill our opponents' creatures but lets us swing in for lethal. And between the angel and Righteous Fury, we have a devastating 12-mana combo that can gain us a ton of life and wipe out all our opponents' creatures on the same turn, all but ensuring our victory.


Included here are several classic villains from Wonder Woman's past, mortal or otherwise:

  • Kemba, Kha Regent is Cheetah, probably the most well-known arch-enemy of Wonder Woman. She can wield all the deck's equipment just as effectively as Akiri, and she can create a Cat token army if left unchecked.
  • Ares, the God of War is represented by Iroas, God of Victory. His devotion count shouldn't be too difficult for us to fulfill, and even if we can't he's still amazing as an indestructible buff for our whole team.
  • Jaya, Venerated Firemage is the evil witch Circe, and she can act as removal by herself or combo with Jeska, Dictate of the Twin Gods (Ares' twin children Phobos and Deimos), or any of our red attackers.
  • To represent Hera, we're running Oketra the True, a huge beater by herself that can also generate tokens.
  • Sun Titan is Apollo and Cavalier of Dawn represents the Four Horsewomen. Both give the deck some much-needed recursion to help us recover from any big setbacks and replay tools like Pilgrim's Eye, Myr Retriever, Bounty Agent, and Ally Encampment.

Brother Eye and the OMACs

During Infinite Crisis, an AI named Brother Eye (originally built by Batman) sent an army of super-powered mutant robots out into the world with the goal of killing every superhuman on Earth. They even attacked Diana's homeland of Themyscira in the protocol "Truth and Justice", in an effort to kill all the Amazons. This section of the deck is meant to highlight these events with an army of artifact creatures that can increase Akiri's power just by being on the board and be formidable threats in their own right.

  • The Eye of Doom is Brother Eye itself and can be a political tool, allowing us to work with our opponents and gang up on the person with the strongest board state. We have to be careful about playing it, but we should always be in control of when it goes off.
  • We're running a few massive threats like Metalwork Colossus and Ancient Stone Idol, both of which are difficult to remove permanently. And Cataclysmic Gearhulk and Combustible Gearhulk are colored artifacts that provide some extra utility and big swings while counting towards devotion.
  • Armory Automaton and Brass Squire are two really valuable creatures for us that get around equip costs. Howling Golem keeps our hand stocked, and Solemn Simulacrum and Walking Atlas allow us to keep up on land drops. We don't have much control over what Treasure Keeper fetches, but we should be happy with anything that it cheats into play.


Finally, I wanted to include cards that pay homage to Diana's island home of Themyscira in the mana base:

  • Island Sanctuary and Undiscovered Paradise are mostly flavor includes that we can still use in a pinch. The Paradise does combo with Walking Atlas, though, ensuring that we can play it over and over for mana fixing and still hit our regular land drops.
  • Ally Encampment is in the deck purely to help us protect and cast Akiri, but it's well worth it as an insurance policy for our commander.
  • Sisters of the Flame represents Diana's Amazonian brethren and is a criminally-underplayed red card, counting for two devotion and tapping for mana, which is great in our colors.

All Tied Up

And that's a wrap! I hope you enjoyed this guide and learned something new about Magic and Wonder Woman - I know I did. I love challenges like this because they force us to build decks in new ways, and trying to make something wonky come together and jell is one of my favorite parts of commander.

I'm excited to read whatever feedback you have in the comments below!

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Twitter: @NCBurnham

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Wonder Woman!


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90% Casual


Revision 1 See all

(4 years ago)

Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

32 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.41
Tokens 4/4 C Token Legendary Creature Avatar, Cat 2/2 W, Construct 6/12 C, Golem 3/3 C, Myr 1/1 C, Warrior 1/1 W w/ Vigilance
Folders Wonder Woman OPP Decks
Ignored suggestions
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