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Didn't mean to d-Naya the win. Needs input plz!

Standard Angels Competitive Midrange RGW (Naya)



This is a midrange deck idea I had for this coming up standard block that aims to abuse some of the best cards in the format. This is the 4th iteration of this deck and the creature and spell listings have been re-structured to reflect the changes that were made.

Starting with a rundown on the creature side of town...

Thraben Inspector is the premier one drop for this deck. I added this guy (or gal, rather) to do a few things. First, she has a good body for the mana cost, a 1/2 for . And she drops a clue token. She is a great turn 1 play that replaces herself (kinda) and can get in for early game damage or possibly eat a burn spell.

Sylvan Advocate. If you run green you run this card. One of the staples that quite honestly helped define this current format. Great early threat that scales with land in the late game and lets you attack with relative impunity. Also buffs up the Needle Spires making them a 4/3 with double strike that can potentially hit for 8 damage...

Bomat Courier. A 1/1 for that has haste can start the bleeding early for your opponent and helps give this deck an aggressive edge early game Aside from that, its attack trigger is also pretty neat, exiling a card face down every time it swings in. This will make your opponent think about the best course of action. Do they keep taking damage from it? Maybe they have to play a creature to block it? Either way, it can let you refill your hand when you are running low for the cost of and sacrificing it. It is also quite possible that it will eat a removal spell which can pave the way for your other creatures to survive.

Tireless Tracker. Drops a clue each time you play a land. Popping a clue to draw a card is straight card advantage and the +1/+1 counter that gets placed on the Tracker is just gravy!

Gisela, the Broken Blade. Here is where things start getting interesting. A 4/3 flier with first strike and lifelink can take out most early game threats and the lifelink can help you get back in the game if you are behind.

Archangel Avacyn  . Want to attack with the whole team but can't afford to lose your dudes? Is your opponent setting up for an alpha strike to take you down? Perhaps you're dreading a board wipe? Either way, flash her in and save your mobs...they will appreciate it. Also, if you manage to get her to flip she can mini board wipe all by herself and put your opponent on a 6 damage per turn clock.

Combustible Gearhulk is in this list as a 1 of, and you'd be surprised how many times I see it. When this dude drops in he gives your opponent a really bad choice-let you draw 3 cards or put those cards in the bin. If you managed to get out a Sin Prodder out on an earlier turn, then your opponent is familiar with how this whole thing works. Chances are you will be drawing 3 cards...

Bruna, the Fading Light. As a single copy I don't plan on seeing her often. She is versatile though, being a 5/7 flier with vigilance is nice, but being able to bring back a human or angel from the yard to the battlefield is just pure value. Bring back Avacyn and grant indestructible to all your creatures again...bring back Gisela and hopefully get to meld them at end of turn and lock your opponent out of casting spells with 3 CMC or less.

Removal Package.

Harnessed Lightning. A 2 mana instant that gives me 3 energy counters to take something out with 3 toughness or less. The versatility of this card is great as you can stockpile the energy to take out a bigger threat. Plus, if you save some energy you can use it to tap an Aether Hub for colored mana.

Blessed Alliance. Sometimes creatures have hexproof or indestructible (I'm looking at you, Gideon...) and that can make combat difficult. Ease your burden by making your opponent sacrifice that attacking creature. Maybe your opponent played a creature with haste and your creatures are all tapped out. Use it to untap 2 dudes and hit them with a surprise blocker or two. Hell, maybe you just need to gain 4 life really quick. This card is so versatile that you can do ALL THREE!

Stasis Snare. Used on removing a nasty threat at instant speed. This works primarily on indestructible creatures like Gideon (he keeps coming up, doesn't he?) or Ormendhal, Profane Prince.

Planeswalker Suite.

Arlinn Kord  . She is the only planeswalker that starts out in the mainboard due to the immediate combat presence she gives. Her +1 allows a creature to attack in for potential damage and the vigilance allows that same creature to block next round should it survive.

Gideon, Ally of Zendikar can make tokens, buff all your guys with his emblem, or swing in as a 5/5 without worry.

Nahiri, the Harbinger lets you cycle dead cards to draw into more threats, or exile a creature, artifact or enchantment. Don't be surprised when you find out how well her -2 ability helps against those pesky vehicle decks. Her ultimate can be used to grab a Combustible Gearhulk (for drawing cards or graveyard based CMC damage) or a Bruna which will allow you to either meld with a Gisela or offer some other form of graveyard recursion.

Chandra, Flamecaller puts 6 power on the board with elemental tokens or can practically boardwipe the turn she comes in. Don't like the other cards in your hand? Use her other ability that lets you ditch your hand and draw.

I like the interaction between Arlinn and Gideon insofar as that you could cast Arlinn Kord first, use her buff, then next turn plop out Gideon. Use his +1 to make him a creature, then use Arlinn's +1 to give him haste so he can attack the turn he comes in.

Arlinn also works well with Needle Spires. Pay the Spires activation cost to make it a 2/1 double striker then pop Arlinn's +1 to give it +2/+2 making it a 4/3 that hits for 8 damage. Did I forget to mention that since she gives it vigilance yoi can still tap it to use for mana? It gets even nastier if Advocate is there to join the party!


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I came in 18th out of 26 for this event. I wasn't really expecting to win here, but I was hoping for a top 8 finish. The field was pretty diverse with a different range of decks. The tournament started off with 5 rounds of Swiss followed by elimination rounds for the top 8. Here are the 5 rounds that I played...

Round 1 I lost 1-2 against Grixis Delver/Graveyard Recursion. This one was tough. He was using a reanimation engine of Haunted Dead, Scrapheap Scrounger and Prized Amalgam with the addition of late game Elder Deep-Fiend. I got out an early Sylvan Advocate followed by another. I was able to use my removal spells on his creatures on my turn before combat to clear a path for damage. It was tricky navigating the spells because I didn't know if he was running counterspells so I felt like I had to wait until he was tapped out to play my instants. I took game 1. Game 2, different story, He sided in his removal while I sided in my counterspells. I didn't see them. He was able to 1 for 1 my creatures and I simply could not apply pressure to the board. He won. I sideboarded in my Scatter to the Winds to help stymie his removal but I just couldn't get enough blue mana to do it.

Round 2 I went 2-0 against Esper Control. This was my best match of the night, game 2 specifically. First game I steamrolled him because he wasn't firing on all cylinders while I curved out an Inspector into Advocate into Tracker into Arlinn Kord then a turn 5 Gisela. Game 2 was closer. I sided in my Negates and sat back with 2 Advocates and a Tracker of the field. Turn 5 he tapped out to play Ob Nixilis Reignited hoping to destroy my Tracker and BOOM! Countered. Dude I was playing was like WTF! I didn't see that coming, you are playing Naya! I kinda had to smile. Anyways, the next few turns saw him cast Dovin Baan, cast Grasp of Darkness on my Tracker, and he Negated one of my Harnessed Lightnings. Then came my epic turn sequence. I cast a Combustible Gearhulk and got to draw 3 cards, one of which was an Archangel Avacyn. Next turn he played another Murder on my Gearhulk and passed the turn with tons of mana up. I untapped, moved straight to combat and attacked with everything. He flashed in a Torrential Gearhulk, targeted a Murder in his graveyard to kill another Tireless Tracker. In response I tapped two red mana and cast Harnessed Lightning, targeting his Gearhulk and using 2 energy to deal 2 damage to it. That left me with 2 energy, which I proceeded to use with 2 Aether Hubs, tap them for white mana, and another 3 lands to flash in Avacyn and give my guys indestructible. His Murder was ineffective, and his Gearhulk would have died had it blocked anything so at that point he just conceded.

Round 3 I lost 1-2 against a R/G Energy deck with Electrostatic Pummeler. These games were over so fast it was hard to track the actual gameplay. I had to mulligan down to 5 cards on game 3 which hurt really bad. Both games he got out a turn 2 Voltaic Brawler and both times they got Harnessed. I lost both of my games to Pummeler and that darn Built to Smash card. Uncaged Fury also made an appearance here too. On a side note, the one game that I did win was on the back of a hasted Gisela thanks to lifelink and Arlinn Kord  Flip. His deck didn't have anything to deal with fliers at the timeI suppose. I actually baited him into the loss by holding back a land with Gisela, Arlinn and an Advocate on the board. I used Arlinn's +1 to buff up Gisela and he snagged her with his own Harnessed Lightning. He then attacked me next round with everything so I chumped his longtusk cub. He poured all of his energy into the Pummeler and cast Built to Smash and Uncaged Fury to make it some nasty 22/22 with double strike. He only had 1 card in hand and only 1 mana open...green. I took a chance and threw a Stasis Snare at it, fully expecting to see Blossoming Defense but the Snare stuck. When I played my land next turn, the Advocate became a 4/5 and got me the win.

Round 4 I went 2-0 against another R/G energy Deck. This one was less aggressive, but ran Smuggler's Copter and Servant of the Conduit. Learning from last round's match, as soon as a Pummeler hit the board I killed it with fire. Game 1 Thraben Inspector and Sylvan Advocate put in the work, hitting for 3 damage each turn. I was lucky in that he didn't have anything the crew the 2 Copter's he had out. Game 2 was almost similar, with 2 Advocates on the field. I was able to play a turn 3 Needle Spires and activate it turn 6, making it a 6/5 with double strike. When I swung in with the team he had no choice but to block the land, letting 8 damage from the Advocates through.

Round 5 I lost 1-2 against Abzan control. Game 1 I got out 2 Bomat Couriers and swung in about 4 times with each. I managed to get out an Arlinn and buff one of the Couriers, which got Grasped. I paid a red and sacrificed it in response to trade the exile cards for my hand. A late game Advocate got the win here. Games 2 and 3 were all him. I sided in my counters and had a hard time keeping up. He curved Liliana, the Last Hope into Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet into Ob Nixilis Reignited. Both games were like this.

So aside from 1 or 2 instances of a Negate taking someone by surprise, this deck still sucks against control. I was starting to think that Naya was positioned decently in this format, but now I am not so sure. I feel like the deck is too slow against aggro, gets too controlled by control decks and lacks overall resiliency. Still looking for any suggestions on how to improve this.


Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 4 Mythic Rares

19 - 6 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.64
Tokens Clue, Elemental 3/1 R, Emblem Arlinn Kord, Emblem Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, Energy Reserve, Human 2/2 G, Knight Ally 2/2 W, Wolf 2/2 G
Folders Liked Decks, Standard Decks I Like, looks solid
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