
Another attempt at making Discover juggling a thing in Standard. It's not very competitive but it does some wild things if it can get to the later turns.

The main gimmick is trying to multiply Discover triggers through blink/bounce/exile effects. Trumpeting Carnosaur/Werefox Bodyguard is the basic combo idea.

The main win condition is pushing through attacks buffed by +1/+1 counters (mainly through Virtue of Loyalty) while disrupting opponent's blocking with tempo plays. If you can get Quintorius Kand rolling, his play-from-exile triggers accelerate your win condition.

Defense options are weak. You have to try hard with cringe tempo plays like Zoyowa's Justice or Twining Twins and hope a 2/2 knight from Virtue of Loyalty can hold off early turns. You might have to burn Bodyguards or Carnosaurs on opponent's early plays. The Wandering Emperor has to try to clean up some big messes on turn 4.

And really, you want to save as many tempo effects for the Carnosaur or bouncing Quintorius as possible. Only defend as little as you can get away with.

Adventures are a side theme that get a few tricks with Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch   that can cheat out the permanent side on the rebound, and Lier, Disciple of the Drowned that can rescue adventures from the graveyard. (Yes, it really does work that way despite how impossible it looks.)

I'm also cramming in an Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might   to get some extra tricks in with the Scalding Viper and Voldaren Thrillseeker after she pumps up someone else, (possibly Axonil himself).

Agatha's Soul Cauldron is mainly for a chance to extend a chain of Thrillseeker buffing Ojer Axonil, sac Thrillseeker aiming for opponent modified by Axonil, Cauldron Thrillseeker, sac all creatures if possible (lastly Axonil) to blitz opponent. But it can also give a bit on defense, helped by the Bodyguard's gain life ability. Often all your creatures are getting counters from the Virtue already.

Mysterious Limousine, Werefox Bodyguard, and Aether Channeler is a silly secret service combo to juggle a Carnosaur. (Channeler crews the Limo, Limo attacks and exiles Channeler releasing Carnosaur triggering Discover, flash in a Bodyguard exiling Limo releasing Channeler, Channeler bounces Bodyguard releasing Limo, Limo exiles Carnosaur.) If you also have the Virtue of Knowledge in play, you're getting double exiles and double Discover triggers and the juggling gets out of hand. You could explode for 10 or more Discover 5s in one shot.

I tried to make the land mix be mostly untapped after turn one, but it's still rough. After turn two you really need all the mana untapped you can get every turn. Buried Treasure helps band aid some of the gaps. Ramping into Quintorius or Carnosaur is helpful. Color fixing for Rocco or one of the double-color spells helps. Discovering into it sometimes helps you cast an extra spell after. And the discover trigger fits in. Professional Face-Breaker might be able to pitch in a treasure on time to get a critical Virtue ramped out, and sometimes you do sac a treasure or Buried Treasure to play another card from exile.

Rocco, Street Chef is dumb, but it works too well to dump it.


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97% Competitive

Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 3 Mythic Rares

38 - 6 Rares

6 - 0 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 3.61
Tokens Bird 1/1 W, Copy Clone, Food, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance, Map, On an Adventure, Samurai 2/2 W, Spirit 3/2 RW, Treasure
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