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Displacing ETB triggers





I've been interrested in making a flicker deck ever since the card Eldrazi Displacer was revealed.

There is lots of focus on being tricksy, interactive and hopefully can adapt to anything. The displacer is able to shut down any creature that tries attacking me, and can really control combat for me. It can read "pay 3mana: tap or flicker target creature. Remove that creature from combat." The only thing it doesn't shut down is Siege Rhino, which is why I have several other answers to a charging Rhino.

The planeswalkers I already own from a previous decklist and so they all merit inclusion into this deck. Powerhouses are of course Siege Rhino, Eldrazi Displacer , Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, and Valorous Stance . Killing their big dude or saving my big dude is pretty cool.

This deck is running an infinite combo with Eldrazi Displacer , Brood Monitor , and Zulaport Cutthroat. The three tokens from the brood can be sacrificed in response to removal and the 3 mana can be spent to activate the displacing effect targeting the brood... Etb triggers and it's a never ending cycle wih unlimited death triggers.

The sideboard runs flying hate (since I have no flyers). It runs Manifest which make the combo much easier and can supprise people, and also Sorin and Oath of Gideon for a flip attempt topop planeswalker ults.

Im also looking at something like Raising Misma to fight fast token decks or aggro decks.

Things in the maybeboard, I have considered them once, but they always seem to make the cut. I considered Thought-Knot Seer for a while since I have 3...but I think my other 4 drops work much better.

I have a few ideas so please check out the linked deck below and comment on which one you think is better.

My other deck idea for the Displacer:

The final question I am considering for this deck: Ob Nixilis Reignited has advantages being a Murder on a stick that draws cards after the first turn, and I often down worry about color to cast it thanks to the new "green ponder"..but Whisperwood Elemental is a creature that can protect against boardwipes, and gives me free 2/2 manifested creatures that can be flickered to turn face up. Thoughts on those two??


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(9 years ago)

+2 Hallowed Moonlight maybe
Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 1 Mythic Rares

24 - 4 Rares

21 - 7 Uncommons

8 - 3 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 3.28
Tokens Bird 3/4 W, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Manifest 2/2 C, Zombie 2/2 B
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