One day a friend of mine challenged me to do the impossible:
To build a good, budget legacy deck.
This deck vastly over achieved my expectations. I was expecting to be able to hold my own against lower-end to mid strength legacy decks. This deck is a bit hit or miss, but vast majority of the time it hits and when it does hit, you win. This deck has held it's own in various FNM match ups against decks 100 times it price. It is effective, cheap, and its always a blast to see t
The premise of this deck is simple:
Get Glacial Chasm out on the battle field
Give it protection.
I almost always I lose in one in two ways:
~One of my land search cards get countered
~Land destruction on Glacial Chasm
There is not much you can do about that in hit or miss deck like this, however, once you know what you are playing you can semi- work around it.
~If you are playing against blue counter heavy they will almost never have a way to counter or destroy land, so Mulligan there your butt off Glacial Chasm. Also if you are going first the vast majority of the time you can get a Crop+Glacial off especially first game when he does not know what land you are searching for. However, if you are forced to use Sylvan Scrying you will usually be screwed against higher level decks.
~Playing against land destruction is a pain. For the most part it is all about speed you want to try to get protection on Glacial Chasm as soon as possible. Also it is often worth trying to wait into you have both protection and Glacial Chasm depending on the type of deck you are playing. Strip Mine is a annoying dog and is probably the reason I have lost most. When playing against it luck is the key. Seriously.
Note: You can get this deck for 30$ once optimized and assuming you have basics.