Ever since I started playing Magic I have wanted to build this deck, and I finally have! It's not great yet, and I want to get at least 2 of each of the Bringers. It needs to have more defense available, but I am not sure what to put in.
I have gone back and forth a lot of keeping Murder in this deck, just because it is more specific in its mana cost, but its nice to have that as an option to take care of bigger attacking creatures.
I have also been afraid to take out
Gem of Becoming
as well, just because it lets me pull 3 land cards as opposed to one or two, but it is so specific and they don't enter the battlefield, which means I have to plan out when I use it so I don't have to discard, but I have yet to find a better card to take its place.
Bringer of the White Dawn
is probably the most crucial card in this deck, along with
Bringer of the Black Dawn
. That combination lets me search and pull out Door to Nothingness and bring it back should it get destroyed.
Borderland Ranger
is a great card in this deck because not only does it let me pull out a land, but it also gives me a little bit of protection, since I don't mind him dying after I get the land.
Burnished Hart is in the deck for similar reasons; mana search and a bit of defense, and even though it has a high mana cost to put on the battlefield and activate its ability, but its worth it to bring in two additional lands. Similarly,
Traveler's Amulet
lets me pull two for relatively cheap.
Elixir of Immortality offers a bit of life gain and lets me bring some cards back because I always seem to have my library get pretty low when playing this deck.
Fog is pretty self explanatory card, basically saving me if I don't have any throw-away defense cards.
Last Stand
is an amazing card I stumbled upon and absolutely love. It lets so many things happen all at once for fairly cheap.
Opaline Unicorn
is in there because I got a few through booster packs and its nice to have the option to choose a color I need, which gets me closer to being able to play Door to Nothingnesss ability.
Fusion Elemental
is great for attacking and blocking, and is ridiculously cheap, as I never seem to have an issue with pulling mana.
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.