This deck is called double dutch because, well you know, this deck focuses on the double strike mechanic and the colors in this deck are red, white and blue. Same as the Dutch Flag. You all knew that right? Anyway...

Modern (Double strike) Kiln Fiend deck. This deck is designed around the creatures Kiln Fiend and Nivix Cyclops.
By casting 3 spells, where at least one of the spells gives your creatures double strike, you're able to deal 20 damage with Kiln Fiend or Nivix Cyclops. With other words it's quite possible to deal 20 damage in turn 3 and finish your opponent.
In short the idea of this deck is to protect your creatures, make your creatures unblockable and give them double strike to finish your opponent.
Card Explanations
Assault Strobe,
Double Cleave,
Boros Charm : By giving either
Kiln Fiend or
Nivix Cyclops double strike you're able to deal 20 damage in turn 3 if you cast 2 other spells next to it.
Boros Charm : By far the best charm in my opinion. Can deal either 4 damage and finish an opponent, make your creatures indestructible or give one of your creatures double strike. This charm is awesome no matter how you use it and perfect for this deck.
Apostle's Blessing : Gives one of your creatures protection from the color of your choice. Creatures with protection can also not be blocked by creatures of the chosen color which quite often means you can directly attack the opponent when you cast this. Again a amazing card for this deck.
Silence : Make sure you can cast all your spells. Even if they counter it (which they will) they quite possible don't have enough mana to counter the other spells. perfect!
Artful Dodge (or Distortion Strike): Makes your creature unblockable two turns in a row!
Mizzium Skin
: Protect your creature from for example blue removal spells for only 1 or 2 mana.