Basically a fun (for me) casual deck. Can usually win by turn 5 or six. Casting a couple of Rite of Flame with a Seething Song or two to bust out Dragonstorm will flood the board with powerful dragons, which we'll have enter in a certain order to end the game that turn.
Turn 1: Mountain, Slumbering Dragon to stall attackers or to get an 8/8 flyer if they're feeling froggy.
Turn 2: Mountain, Goblin Diplomats to make their weenies swing and awaken the beast.
Turn 3: Mountain, Chandra's Phoenix for some extra protection.
Turn 4: Mountain, hopefully sleepy head is awake by now and taking names.
Turn 5: Mountain, tap 5 play two Rite of Flame for 7 floating, into Seething Song for 9 floating mana then drop Dragonstorm and copy it three timesScourge of Valkas enters, followed by Utvara Hellkite then Furyborn Hellkite comes in as a 12/12 thanks to Scourge and finally Balefire Dragon swoops in to deal the (possible) final blow to Opponent and their Creatures.
With one or two Slumbering Dragon on the field and the four other dragons entering in the correct order (Scourge of Valkas first and Balefire Dragon last for maximum damage) its possible to deal 18 damage before combat. But if thats not enough to end it next turn just swing with everybody and put an additional six 6/6 flyers in dealing even more pre-combat damage (thanks Scourge of Valkas and Utvara Hellkite )
This has been a really fun deck for me to build and play with. And though it's rare to hit the perfect draw sequence, wins are pretty consistent. Let me know what you think and if you have anything you would do differently.
Happy playing!