Ever since I saw Depala, Pilot Exemplar in an early set of Kaladesh spoilers I was excited about the possibility of a dwarf/vehicle deck. Turns out Wizards gave us everything we needed and its awesome! Before I start blabbering I should note that this is all theory at the moment as the set isn't out yet I haven't had the chance to play the deck properly in a tournament environment BUT once the set is out and my full paper copy of this deck arrives I will take it to events etc. and let you know how things go.
Anyway, the deck seems like its going to be super fast and have some crazy turn sequences that enable a game ending attack on turn four. Turn four is when the game will ideally be won, such that we don't have to worry about sweepers such as Fumigate (turn 5 being the earliest which true sweepers can be played barring any ramp... Although I should mention cards like Kozilek's Return return will generally do a similar job against this deck and are the reason we need the 3 Selfless Spirit in the side). Oh and a bit of background on the awesome name (sorry for the cockiness but it is), so I heard people were calling this deck the fast and the furious and I loved that idea. So I figured with Vin Diesel being the main character in the fast series, I could nail alliteration, a car reference and a fast and furious reference with this name...awesome. Right, without any further ado here's a summary of all the main deck, non-land cards:
Thraben Inspector is a 1/2 for 1 which generates an artifact on turn 1, which can later be used to draw you cards. Nice!
Depala, Pilot Exemplar Where do I even start? this card is the nuts. It buffs a third of your deck (over half of the non-land cards), is a 3/3 for 3 mana and has a super versatile draw effect to boot. A real shame its legendary but you can see why! Definitely a compulsory 2 of minimum in all dwarf/vehicle decks.
Inventor's Apprentice A 2/3 for 1 mana? In standard!? What's going on!?! Yes please I'll take 4.
Pia Nalaar A bit of a tech choice I suppose but it has its reasons. All of the card's abilities are relevant but essentially its 2 creatures in 1 (which helps to make Start Your Engines great), and brings an artifact with it, helping to bring various creatures abilities online. Another optional card but a good choice post Kaladesh and pre Aether Revolt I believe!
Toolcraft Exemplar A 3/2 dwarf for 1 mana? In standard!? What's going on!?! Yes please I'll take 4.
Veteran Motorist An absolute no brainer. A 2 mana 3 power Dwarf in the right colours which scrys you 2 on turn 2 (so useful in an aggro deck and especially so in this deck specifically) and buffs your vehicles... I needs me a playset.
Declaration in Stone is there anything to say about the best removal piece in standard that hasn't already been said?
Fiery Temper One of the more difficult decisions for the deck due to there being a lot of cards that do a similar job! That being said, in general having a card which you will often play for 1 mana (See Smuggler's Copter, Bomat Courier and Geier Reach Sanitarium), which also has the option of burning your opponents, makes this card main deck material in my opinion.
Fleetwheel Cruiser Four drops are a reasonably difficult choice in this deck and whilst this card is great, I wish it was even better. That being said 5 damage on turn four is nothing to laugh at and if you get to follow it up with a Start Your Engines then you'll probably win the game even if it has taken you till turn 5. The best 4 drop Vehicle choice for this aggressive deck in my opinion.
Skysovereign, Consul Flagship This card is way too good not to play but is almost too slow for the deck. You don't want to see this too often but honestly a ridiculously good card and Depala's best friend. Mainboard 1, sideboard 1, is perfect in my oppinion.
Smuggler's Copter The best vehicle for the deck hands down. Super early game with amazing stats, flying and a draw discard ability that makes fiery temper great, hell yeah! The best part is that it has a 1 crew cost which is nothing really when you consider we run Pia Nalaar and the card below.
Servo Exhibition This card doesn't seem all that good on first glance and admittedly I'm a little unsure about the full 4 copies but 2 artifacts is 2 artifacts, they serve as great blockers against other aggro and if you can play a couple of these then Start Your Engines your opponents in for a rough ride. The number of these may change after testing but I decided that you really need tokens to crew Smuggler's Copter early on.
Start Your Engines It feels almost poetic to end with this card. This deck's obscenely good 'win con' is nothing to laugh at. That 1 vehicle, 2 creatures and a token board just became game winning... Literally crazy I may consider bumping it up to 3, you just really don't want to open multiple of it... na 2 is probably right. People will probably dismiss this card as being 'too situational' so make sure you really rub it in when you win the game on turn 4 with your 17 power Toolcraft Exemplar, Smuggler's Copter and Depala, Pilot Exemplar board ;).
Cheers, for reading. I think this deck is going to be a force to be reckoned with in the upcoming standard and I hope everyone else is as excited as me about playing it!