Creature (3)

Planeswalker (37)

Land (36)


Artifact (1)

All that is mighty, behold the Planeswalkers!

Sliver Hivelord is a 5/5 indestructible commander for 5 mana, and combo'd with Hivestone, all tokens you produce will become slivers, also indestructible.

Use Doubling Season to bring your planeswalkers out with double their starting loyalty counters and have some fun. Most commander board wipes won't target your planeswalkers, just the creatures you produce. Proliferate is another beautiful mechanic for ticking up the loyalty counters on the walkers.

For play against aggressive decks, Norn's Annex will slow them down, or at least make them think about what they want to attack with if they're not playing white.


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