Elemental Annihilation
Elemental Annihilation is a Horde Magic Deck. Based On the Horde Magic Rules.
This format was created by Peter Knudson and details about it can be found here: Horde Magic.
For those that don't know, Horde Magic is a magic variant where all of the players try to survive The Horde. The Horde is a 100 card deck that is not piloted by anyone. All of the players combine their life totals and take their turn simultaneously. The entire goal is to survive.
This Horde is based on Nature run amok as raw elemental forces blaze out of control and The Surivors must stop these primordial forces from destroying everything in their path!. You may, as the Survivors, find yourselves in a real struggle to survive. The Survivors are the players of course. No one pilots the Elemental Annihilation deck. You just need someone to take it's turn for it.
Those numbers for the Fire Elemental and Spark Elemental are correct. But they are really token creatures. I cannot list tokens in the decklist so the cards Fire Elemental and Spark Elemental are placeholders representing 5/5 Elemental Tokens and 3/1 Elemental Tokens respectively.
If you have not tried to Survive a Horde Magic game yet, I urge you to try. It is so different from regular magic variants. In this format all of the players work together to survive. It can be a great deal of fun especially if you have never tried any magic variants before.
This format does have a banned list, a deck construction guide, a horde construction guide and some general rules of thumb to maintain the spirit of what it is.
This deck uses the variant where all tokens are considered creature cards for purposes of returning to hand or being sent to the graveyard.
The Players/Survivors each play with a 100 card Commander deck and must follow the banned list and deck construction rules. Basically you must construct a deck that uses direct damage as it's win condition. No alt win conditions. Also any card which would trivialize the experience should not be played. Either do not construct a deck with them or during gameplay have everyone vote if they think a particular card play will ruin the experience. If the table agrees, just have the controlling player discard the card and draw a replacement.
Gameplay is simple. The Horde goes first and all of it's creatures have haste and attack each turn if able. It also has infinite mana for purposes of casting anything it draws or activating abilities. It's turn starts with revealling cards from the top of it's library until you reveal a non-token card. Then it puts all tokens into play and plays any non-token cards it drew. The Horde's life total is it's library. Any damage it takes is milled from the top of it's library.
Then all of the Survivors take their turn at the same time. You block and attack as a group. During deck construction it may be a good idea to consider that while deck-building. Using things like Wrath of God may wreck the elementals but will also hurt your team.
Finally, just try to Survive The Elemental Annihilation!